It's been a while. It's been a bit hard to get back into the swing of things. But hopefully you'll appreciate the songs i'm about to post because I consider most of them to be the best stuff I have heard of late. They aren't the funkiest and freshest tunes, but they're all admirable. I just haven't been that impressed with most of the new stuff on blogs. It all seems to be taking a turn for the worse, which is weird because I used to be so enthusiastic about blog music. It just means utilizing all the music sources available, and not just relying on 'blog music' which is something that I should be/am doing.
I got this Loud Pipes remix sent to me ages ago and i've been obsessed with it ever since and I try to slip it into an early or really late set when I can. It's just a nice song. With some housey sounding vocals/lyrics and an amazing progression.
Purple Crush - Vacation (Loud Pipes Remix)
Seemingly chilled out, but really a moveable track. Not really a fan of Deadmau5, but definitely a fan of Chris Lake.
Deadmau5 - Faxing Berlin (Chris Lake Remix)
I had heard 'Tristesse Joie' (the Rolf Honey remix) before but I didn't know it was a Yelle song. Again, it seems quite airy but without fail, it packs a punch. I feel a bit duped when a song has been around for ages and either I haven't heard it or haven't paid enough attention to it. Anyway, this is one of those songs. Amazing, but I surely didn't pay enough attention to it at first so make sure you don't make the same mistake.
Yelle - Tristesse Joie (Rolf Honey remix)
Fool for Love is beyond doubt, up high on my list of current favorites. It extracts the exceptional lyrics and vocal sounds of Das Pop and combines them with traditional SebastiAn sounds while allowing the vocals to shine through unlike some of the other remixes of this song. I've been a bit scared to play it out but I think it could be amazing if you just played it from start to finish. If you haven't already heard this, I urge you to listen to it.
Das Pop - Fool for Love (SebastiAn Remix)
A track that you may have heard but a track that I don't think has received enough attention. I consider the original more catchy than any of the other remixes. Upfront electro at it's best.
Why Not!? - Alter Ego
I just love the drastic pitch shift from the original of this remix. It makes for an interesting take on an already loved song and sets it out from the other 1000 of Hustler remixes.
Simian Mobile Disco - Hustler (A-Trak Remix)
Destroy Disco are a DJ/Producer outfit from Sydney who has been remixing some major artists lately. They are all great guys and they seem to be doing quite well for themselves. International recognition of Sydney producers is always welcomed, and they have been receiving it. Not only from blogs, but from SebastiAn as well when he played one of their remixes at his Sydney show. Their style is pretty hard but still maintains important elements of the originals. For more of their remixes check their myspace. Cool name too.
Klaxons - Atlantis to Interzone (Destroy Disco Remix)
ZZZ from Melbourne put on an impressive live show with synths, vocals and samples and this Soma Soundsystem remix of Lion is definitely worth crediting. I don't know anything about Soma Soundsystem (apart from that they come fro California), but I am interested in hearing/knowing more about them. Have a listen.
ZZZ - Lion (Soma Soundsystem's Robot Lion Remix)
I never ever though I would get to see Daft Punk, but I will this Saturday. I don't know if I have been this excited ... ever. My outfit will be amazing too. So here is a 'banging' Thomas Bangalter track to celebrate.
Thomas Bangalter - Spinal Scratch
If you haven't seen Party Monster, you must. If you haven't heard the soundtrack to Party Monster, you'll be very impressed. I love all the tracks on the soundtrack but Overdose is obviously a standout. So download it and writhe in it's deeply droned and draggy synth lines.
DJ Tomcraft - Overdose
So it's a given that not everyone likes mash ups. But check this one out. It sends people crazy.
Mr. Disorder - Zombie of the Night (Kernkraft 4000 vs. Corona)
So it was a long one. Let me know what you think. Hopefully we're back on top.
Keep it coming, I was a little worried at one point. Fucking good music dude.
nice to have you back on track, keep up with good music!
Good to see some fresh activity!
thanks for the alter ego track, it's GREAT!
PS can i request a little steve yanko? *^^*
Omg, best blog ever! Very nice selection! Alter Ego track rocks btw! never heard about it...but it's from 2007! keep it up!
in my humble opinion, fool for love gets a better treatment from aeroplane. check that shit, son!
You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
suplemen fitnes
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