Monday, 22 October 2007


The inevitable has finally happened.. It seems my hosting company deleted everything on the webspace without telling me or giving one word of warning over the last few months. So, everything will be down until either I sort something out with them (unlikely) or I find somewhere else to hang out my files.

If anyone has any suggestions for some good blog hosting (unlimited bandwidth, are understanding and will warn about any copyright issues, cheap!) please let me know. I'm keen to get everything back up and running as quickly as possible.


Monday, 15 October 2007

Something Else

Been revisiting The Avalanches a lot in the last few weeks and I think it's no coincidence the last few weeks have been very happy times! In particular I've had the Gimix promo mix from 2000 on permanent repeat in my car, on my ipod, on my pc... Such a smooth melodic blend of singalong pop, classic rock and grooving electronic, with splashes of the album all the way through - the perfect soundtrack to a classy but casual party. Check out the blazing track listing here. Something a bit different to what I usually post, but it's seriously quality stuff!

The Avalanches - Gimix

I picked up a copy of the Road to Recovery Remixes 12" a few days ago and realised the Curses! mix must have slipped by me. It's a really intriguing crazy choppy track and the chaotic party vibe makes it perfect for the climax of a night out. Alongside the D.I.M and Miami Horror remixes (Miami's is sadly not on the record) you've got just about every base covered with this track.

Midnight Juggernauts - Road to Recovery (Curses! Remix)

Bloody Beetroots this weekend, I'm excited!

Monday, 8 October 2007


A belated welcome to Trentertainment! Finally I've got someone to pick up the slack.. No doubt his posts are subtly improving your life 4 minutes at a time.

I was considering just copying and pasting all the shit about how busy I've been from one of the last posts, but by the time I'd really thought about it I'd finished writing this sentence, so I suppose it doesn't matter much now. Anyway, been hearing some nice music about the place, starting with Mathematikal's latest edit of DVNO which they kindly sent along. I've been told it's been posted elsewhere, but hopefully most people will agree it's worth doubling up in case anyone missed it. For just an edit, they've really freshened up the track and added heaps of punch for the club. Rock out!

Justice - DVNO (Mathematikal Re-edit)

The Hey Now boys have spent a bit of time in the studio over the past month or so and have come up with a nice remix for Lost Valentinos which I'll post very soon as well as a funky minimegamix. They've got a heap of hot gigs lined up all around Sydney for the next while so if you're in the area go check out their awesome light hearted yet bangin' fun party vibe. Tracklisting for the megamix is here.

Hey Now - Gaywatch Megamix

Delete are a couple of hot young French producers who only came together a month ago and have already come up with some spicy tracks. Quite Justice-esque stuff - sounds like bubble wrap and a synth being attacked with a chainsaw.

Delete - Believe

Delete - Sunk

And just because I've spent a lot of time listening to not-so-current stuff, like inthemix.05 which still reigns as my favourite electro mix album, here's a hot pick from Tiga's disc - a vinyl rip of his Martini Bros remix. Sorry, I didn't bother searching for it..

Martini Bros - Big N Dirty (Tiga Remix)

Happy listening!

Mr. Ice Cream

I'm always pretty excited to see new stuff coming from Australia. What we have going on here is pretty amazing. Miami Horror's latest remix of Soft Tigers' Mr. Ice Cream also excites me. Its allot poppier than his previous remixes and I like that. A really light hearted, fun track that sounds amazing in a club. It's taken all the interesting parts of the original and added Miami Horrors signature synth sounds, and we would expect no less.

Soft Tigers - Mr. Ice Cream (Miami Horror 'Kids Out On the Street')

Saturday, 6 October 2007

Stadium Electro

This is one of those songs that belong to my epic 'stadium' play list. I'm guessing the crowd went wild to Erol Alkan playing this track at Oxygen in 2006. Wish I was there. kiD Alexis the best bits of Boys Noize and D.I.M in one. Heaps of minimal sounds made maximal. From what I can gather, Telex is a 70s electronic pop band. They seem kind of cool.

Do Worry (kiD Alex remix) - Telex

I (and the rest of Sydney) saw Digitalism at the Oxford Art Factory last Thursday and yes, they were amazing. Well, they sounded amazing. Their performance was lacking something that the Presets and Soulwax have. I don't really like comparing artists but if you've seen all three acts you'll know what I mean. We all compare anyway. The crowd was pushing it a bit - the vibe didn't live up to the music. Maybe because it was an earlier show. However, their hold of the crowd at Parklife the following Sunday definitely lived up to everyone’s prior expectations. With heaps of stadium electro. So not all is bad.

Digitalism's 2005 remix of A New Cage by Sono, has that slight rock feel which Digitalism handles so well. The distracted vocals are cool. The song is a bit repetitive but I think we've all learned to live with that. If you haven't heard it, check it out.

A New Cage (Digitalism remix) - Sono

So Sunday School are back with another mix - Eat More Disco Biscuits (not stadium electro at all). It's a smooth mix of cool tracks that has been thought out and mixed well - qualities in posted mixes that are sometimes hard to find. The quality of their mix is somewhat similar to their behind-deck performance, which doesn't lack anything. See them at STARFUCKERS. See the tracklist here. You must listen to this one, or at least the hilarious intro.

Eat More Disco Biscuits - Sunday School

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Just Art

I couldn't think of a more appropriate mix for my first post than Bang Gang's Art Killers from 2004. I'm a bit startled by the fact that it's never been posted before. It's an insane mix of rock, electro, hip-hop, pop and crazy samples. But not like the rest. A careful song selection and the exceptional mixing differs it from anything else anyone has ever done. A must listen.

Art Killers - Ajax and Gus Da Hoodrat

So the biggest weekend for the electrolytes of Sydney has just passed. Justice certainly stood out as the favourite at Parklife - definitely a major step up from their Sydney shows earlier this year at Big Day Out and The Metro, where the mixing was average and the songs weren't their own. This time round, the songs were their own and they proved their ability to put on a show, excite the crowd and exhibit their skills.

Another highlight of Parklife was the exceptional live set from Goose - the sound quality and performance excited me so much, even though I expected a lot from their live at Rock Werchter set posted on DD earlier this year.

So here are two tracks. The airy and 'not-so-Justice' collaboration between Justice and Gambit. And the Surkin remix of Low Mode by Goose.

Steamulation - Justice vs Gambit

Low Mode - Goose (Surkin remix)