What a wonderful year. I don't know quite how to sum it up, it's just been so completely packed full of astoundingly good music. I'm really happy with the direction everything's gone in terms of this blog and the kind of music I've been digging, and I really really appreciate all you groovy people dropping by and lapping it up. I hope it's been a help to the artists and labels behind the music too, it's so important to support and encourage the people who are responsible for all the beautiful sounds that have been floating around in 2009. It was pretty tough putting this together and I'm sure a couple of fists will be shaking at some (perhaps) obvious omissions but overall it's just all the stuff that's really hit the bullseye for me. Massive thanks to everybody who had some part in the music below, it's made my year extra extra special! Here goes...
#10 Super Value ClassicsLet's kick things off with a truly spectacular edits record from the Italian
Super Value crew. Earlier in the year I felt a lot of the Super Value edits sounded a little bit dated and drab; however, this 12" showed me I'd completely misjudged them. Both tracks on this 'Classics' record are superbly snipped and arranged funky numbers. This one in particular, a snippet of a Gabor Szabo tune called Keep Smiling, is everything a disco edit should be. In a time when so many edits are being made 'just for the sake of it', this is both thoughtful and necessary chopping of mediocre song which turns it into a summer deck chair masterpiece. Bravo!
Super Value - Untitled [
#9 Prins Thomas - MammutThe
Prins has been on fire this year, that's no lie.
Full Pupp has been churning out quality releases, as has sub-label
Internasjonal, and this is without a doubt my favourite release on 'Pupp by the man himself. Mammut is a stunning deep plodding jam which features PT really cutting loose on the percussion - or at least cutting as loose as an extreme Norwegian chiller like himself can. Every aspect of the song just feels completely free; part of what makes it so great is how relaxed the groove is. This is seriously stress free music! Hats off to the Prins, he's had a great year.
Prins Thomas - Mammut [
#8 RuF DuG - DirtyWow, this was a massive record to kick off the Popular People's Front sub-label PPF Special Ops.
Ruf Dug, also known as
Some Freak, really made something special with this track. It's raw, tribal, primitive, a bit animal and, dare i say it, dirty. The tumbling drums have such a massive impact and overall it's the fundamental pounding rhythms that make this such a fantastic song to dance to. Instinctive and essential. It's a bonus that the three remixes on the 12" are all spectacular too. A must have record!
RuF DuG - Dirty [
#7 Leo ZeroLeo, you legend. Until picking up
Glory's 02 early on this year I wasn't aware of this great man and his unique productions. Also on the headphones for A Mountain of One and a contributor to the elusive Popular People's Front camp, he's got many fingers in many delicious pies. From Bowie to Outkast, from Bob Marley to The Clash, one certainly can't say Leo is narrow minded in his music. His edit of Bonny by Prefab Sprout has been a staple in my car for months, and with summer about to properly begin it's looking at continuing its long residency.
Leo Zero - Bon Bon [
Tele Music - Baby's Band (Leo Zero Edit) [
#6 Shit Robot - Simple ThingsAn obvious pick here, this was surely one of the highlights of many DJs and dance fans this year. For me I have to say
Todd's mix comes out on top. The dark semi-brooding
Shit Robot original and deep-and-classic
Santiago remix are both stunning tunes in their own but Mr. Terje's version is sitting up a couple of rungs higher on its own plane of existence. It's certainly proof that simple electronic music can still be extremely effective if the producer really knows what they're doing. The steady and powerful build makes sure everybody is totally primed and ready to detonate as soon as those party-as-fuck rock out drums belt their way in, resulting in an orgasmic climax that encompasses everything that makes you feel good on the dance floor. In summary, GOOD TIMES.
Shit Robot - Simple Things (Todd Terje Remix) [
#5 Lindstrom & Prins Thomas - IIThe masters of space cruising made a triumphant full length return this year; old mates
Lindstrom and
Prins Thomas exceeded expectations with II and really did put together one of this year's finest releases. I picture this being the soundtrack to relaxing on a beach somewhere in space, sipping on moon juice and soaking up some supernova rays. You really can't get a much better partnership than these two fellas. Prins bopping away having a grand old time on the drums whilst Lindstrom plays around with delicate synths and fluffy pads. It's classic yet forward thinking music for the whole fam to dig.
Lindstrom & Prins Thomas - Cisco [
#4 Clap RulesWith so much happening in the edits scene it seems to be getting harder to find 100% original 'dance' music, so this latest live project headed by saucy Italian
Fabrizio Mammarella gets a couple of bonus points for being so original. Old Sequencer in particular was surely one of my favourite 12s of 2009, delivering a really broad scope of music in just 3 tracks. The title track in particular drives me crazy. Absolutely rocking sequenced bassline, aggressively hip drum programming, grimy guitar throwing in little comments throughout. I'm still desperate to see these guys bash their sounds out live, I'm told it's quite an experience. Super excited to see where
Clap Rules go next year!
Clap Rules - Old Sequencer [
#3 Dirty French PsychedelicsNow here we have what IS my number one album of '09. You'd be able to tell by looking at how worn out my poor overworked record is how many times i've taken an hour out to sit on the couch and listen to this without distractions from start to finish. Whilst all the songs are each very beautiful in their own way, it's how the album flows and grows that really makes this such a special record.
Dirty seriously know how to put together a compilation that sounds stunningly organic, as though the individual tracks were made specifically to slot right into their respective positions. This exquisite release is absolutely vital for those who enjoy a late night aural journey.
Nino Ferrer - Looking For You [
#2 In FlagrantiMassive massive year for my favourite disco-sleaze 70s porno pimps
In Flagranti: Two albums - one of originals one of edits - two more twelves, a huge string of amazing remixes and plenty of touring in between. It's quite incredible that possibly two of the most over-productive musicians about are also maintaining such a high standard of quality. They just can't be stopped! Brash & Vulgar featured some, uh, quite vulgar sounds with drums bashing and crashing all over the place and dirty humour flowing out in copious amounts. Sounds Superb was an assembly of some of the freshest and finest edits of this year, despite many being made years ago (a couple feature on A Decade of Hero Worship.) I don't think anybody can argue that they are easily the best at what they do, whatever that might be.
In Flagranti - A Brag Mount [
In Flagranti - Svelte Blonde [
(What would have been) #1 House of House - Rushing To ParadiseWell the recent reissuing of this has softened my negative feelings about this track, or rather its distribution, once again making way for pure love and affection. I just think it's criminal that the BEST track of the year should be for elitist collectors only, those who were lucky enough to get their hands on a ridiculously priced copy of the original Whatever We Want release. I don't mind the idea of these boutique labels but making great music only to deprive people of it is just wrong - it shouldn't be an exclusive thing, y'know? Thank god this injustice is being overturned and the
House of House guys are releasing the record, along with a mouthwatering Harvey mix, independently and limitlessly. Although I've been hearing the pressing is totally shit which just rubs salt in the wound. Sigh. To get onto the song itself... There's not a whole lot that needs to be said, except that it's one of the most perfect house music compositions ever made. Carefully calculated yet free flowing, every part of this song fits together flawlessly resulting in a euphoric 13 minute dance floor anthem. I couldn't get permission to post a low quality version but the record is as essential as it gets.
House of House - Rushing To Paradise (Walking These Streets) [
#1 Faux Pas - Rose's LamentSo technically this came out in late December last year but I was overseas so I'm counting it in this year's running. Upon first listening this song completely knocked my head off; each listen after that somehow managed to deliver an even deeper impact. I still get goosebumps every time I sit down and blast this on my stereo. I'm not really sure how you'd describe the track musically... Maybe you'd find it in the 'psychedelic tribal folk' section of your local CD store. The density of emotion packed into this song, helped a great deal by haunting intermission clips of an old Bread track 'Look At Me', pushes this song over the finish line in first place for the last 12 months. There's no doubt that I've developed a really personal adoration for it which is one of the reasons it's right at the top, but at the end of the day it's an absurdly well produced song that I feel has a timeless quality that will preserve it for many years to come. Thanks,
Faux Pas.
Faux Pas - Rose's Lament [
Honourable Mentions:Golf Channel - Fantastic boutique edits, obviously some fierce crate digging is responsible for these great releases. Thanks Justin Vandervolgen!
Lars Von Trier's Antichrist - Simply the best piece of film making in recent times. Spectacular.
Dishonourable Mentions:Steve Aoki feat. Zuper Blahq - I'm In The House - Are you fucking kidding me? It was released 6 months either side of April Fools Day so I have to assume this is a legitimate release. Nice one Steve...
People saying 'FML' and 'fail' every second sentence - Please please please just stop. Please.
So there you go. I strongly urge everyone to buy this music if you really like it and help all these rad artists out. Would love feedback of course, and would certainly love to hear other people's top 10 lists - go comment crazy and give your 2 cents. Next year is looking to be even more exciting, particularly with our little label Death Strobe on the verge of launching. We've got some really cool music lined up which we have a lot of faith in so keep an eye out for more details as the months roll on. Thanks again y'all, much love! Have a really nice Christmas/silly season, stay cool and tell some strangers about how good disco music is. Spread the love! xxx