Tuesday, 29 December 2009

The Rest Are Still Good

Just a few other recent faves from 09 that I feel I should mention. I don't think it's necessary to continue the DFA overload by blabbing on about Spaghetti Circus, Fire Eyes, the 45:33 remixes, Bye Bye Bayou etc etc so I'll just leave that and expect that everybody is on the same page. What has been getting a lot of hype in small circles though is the Golf Channel stuff, one of the finest of the many little boutique edits labels popping up. The Liza / Penny 12" in particular is remarkably good, I only recently got my copy and have been absolutely smashing it. Penny is one of the most bumping, burning, boisterously grooving tunes I've heard in a long time! Turn it up loud loud loud and just try to stand still. Not as easy as it sounds.

Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show - Penny (Galleon Trade's Hooked On Penicillin Version) [buy]

Really digging Mighty Mouse's latest contribution to the always heavenly Mindless Boogie label. The A side rolls and rumbles around in a classic club house build up that seems to last decades until the balloon is popped and a gently spiced salsa party jam ensues. A few brass 'n' vocal choruses and restrained guitar solos later it's back to the cute 3AM lead-in, and so the story goes. Certainly not what I've come to expect from a MB record but it's a very welcome surprise!

Mighty Mouse - Song For Ellen [buy]

This Juan Maclean remixes project seemed to pop up out of nowhere. I don't know what this Scion A/V business is about and I can't really be bothered to find out for myself - all I can say is I'm grateful that this release has been put together, whatever the reasons behind it might be. It really is an all star line-up: House of House, Shit Robot, Gavin Russom and Canyons who have done my favourite remix of the four. Very synth heavy and very quantised and computerised, almost to an 80s degree. This release is absolutely worth picking up, the whole thing is really top notch.

The Juan Maclean - The Future Will Come (Canyons Remix) [buy]

And now something classic to keep things nice and disco, a snazzy old jam by Panache. Yeah yeah yeah.

Panache - Sweet Music

See you cats next year! Be good :)

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Disco Delicious' Top 10 Delicacies of 2009

What a wonderful year. I don't know quite how to sum it up, it's just been so completely packed full of astoundingly good music. I'm really happy with the direction everything's gone in terms of this blog and the kind of music I've been digging, and I really really appreciate all you groovy people dropping by and lapping it up. I hope it's been a help to the artists and labels behind the music too, it's so important to support and encourage the people who are responsible for all the beautiful sounds that have been floating around in 2009. It was pretty tough putting this together and I'm sure a couple of fists will be shaking at some (perhaps) obvious omissions but overall it's just all the stuff that's really hit the bullseye for me. Massive thanks to everybody who had some part in the music below, it's made my year extra extra special! Here goes...


#10 Super Value Classics

Let's kick things off with a truly spectacular edits record from the Italian Super Value crew. Earlier in the year I felt a lot of the Super Value edits sounded a little bit dated and drab; however, this 12" showed me I'd completely misjudged them. Both tracks on this 'Classics' record are superbly snipped and arranged funky numbers. This one in particular, a snippet of a Gabor Szabo tune called Keep Smiling, is everything a disco edit should be. In a time when so many edits are being made 'just for the sake of it', this is both thoughtful and necessary chopping of mediocre song which turns it into a summer deck chair masterpiece. Bravo!

Super Value - Untitled [buy]


#9 Prins Thomas - Mammut

The Prins has been on fire this year, that's no lie. Full Pupp has been churning out quality releases, as has sub-label Internasjonal, and this is without a doubt my favourite release on 'Pupp by the man himself. Mammut is a stunning deep plodding jam which features PT really cutting loose on the percussion - or at least cutting as loose as an extreme Norwegian chiller like himself can. Every aspect of the song just feels completely free; part of what makes it so great is how relaxed the groove is. This is seriously stress free music! Hats off to the Prins, he's had a great year.

Prins Thomas - Mammut [buy]


#8 RuF DuG - Dirty

Wow, this was a massive record to kick off the Popular People's Front sub-label PPF Special Ops. Ruf Dug, also known as Some Freak, really made something special with this track. It's raw, tribal, primitive, a bit animal and, dare i say it, dirty. The tumbling drums have such a massive impact and overall it's the fundamental pounding rhythms that make this such a fantastic song to dance to. Instinctive and essential. It's a bonus that the three remixes on the 12" are all spectacular too. A must have record!

RuF DuG - Dirty [buy]


#7 Leo Zero

Leo, you legend. Until picking up Glory's 02 early on this year I wasn't aware of this great man and his unique productions. Also on the headphones for A Mountain of One and a contributor to the elusive Popular People's Front camp, he's got many fingers in many delicious pies. From Bowie to Outkast, from Bob Marley to The Clash, one certainly can't say Leo is narrow minded in his music. His edit of Bonny by Prefab Sprout has been a staple in my car for months, and with summer about to properly begin it's looking at continuing its long residency.

Leo Zero - Bon Bon [buy]

Tele Music - Baby's Band (Leo Zero Edit) [buy]


#6 Shit Robot - Simple Things

An obvious pick here, this was surely one of the highlights of many DJs and dance fans this year. For me I have to say Todd's mix comes out on top. The dark semi-brooding Shit Robot original and deep-and-classic Santiago remix are both stunning tunes in their own but Mr. Terje's version is sitting up a couple of rungs higher on its own plane of existence. It's certainly proof that simple electronic music can still be extremely effective if the producer really knows what they're doing. The steady and powerful build makes sure everybody is totally primed and ready to detonate as soon as those party-as-fuck rock out drums belt their way in, resulting in an orgasmic climax that encompasses everything that makes you feel good on the dance floor. In summary, GOOD TIMES.

Shit Robot - Simple Things (Todd Terje Remix) [buy]


#5 Lindstrom & Prins Thomas - II

The masters of space cruising made a triumphant full length return this year; old mates Lindstrom and Prins Thomas exceeded expectations with II and really did put together one of this year's finest releases. I picture this being the soundtrack to relaxing on a beach somewhere in space, sipping on moon juice and soaking up some supernova rays. You really can't get a much better partnership than these two fellas. Prins bopping away having a grand old time on the drums whilst Lindstrom plays around with delicate synths and fluffy pads. It's classic yet forward thinking music for the whole fam to dig.

Lindstrom & Prins Thomas - Cisco [buy]


#4 Clap Rules

With so much happening in the edits scene it seems to be getting harder to find 100% original 'dance' music, so this latest live project headed by saucy Italian Fabrizio Mammarella gets a couple of bonus points for being so original. Old Sequencer in particular was surely one of my favourite 12s of 2009, delivering a really broad scope of music in just 3 tracks. The title track in particular drives me crazy. Absolutely rocking sequenced bassline, aggressively hip drum programming, grimy guitar throwing in little comments throughout. I'm still desperate to see these guys bash their sounds out live, I'm told it's quite an experience. Super excited to see where Clap Rules go next year!

Clap Rules - Old Sequencer [buy]


#3 Dirty French Psychedelics

Now here we have what IS my number one album of '09. You'd be able to tell by looking at how worn out my poor overworked record is how many times i've taken an hour out to sit on the couch and listen to this without distractions from start to finish. Whilst all the songs are each very beautiful in their own way, it's how the album flows and grows that really makes this such a special record. Dirty seriously know how to put together a compilation that sounds stunningly organic, as though the individual tracks were made specifically to slot right into their respective positions. This exquisite release is absolutely vital for those who enjoy a late night aural journey.

Nino Ferrer - Looking For You [buy]


#2 In Flagranti

Massive massive year for my favourite disco-sleaze 70s porno pimps In Flagranti: Two albums - one of originals one of edits - two more twelves, a huge string of amazing remixes and plenty of touring in between. It's quite incredible that possibly two of the most over-productive musicians about are also maintaining such a high standard of quality. They just can't be stopped! Brash & Vulgar featured some, uh, quite vulgar sounds with drums bashing and crashing all over the place and dirty humour flowing out in copious amounts. Sounds Superb was an assembly of some of the freshest and finest edits of this year, despite many being made years ago (a couple feature on A Decade of Hero Worship.) I don't think anybody can argue that they are easily the best at what they do, whatever that might be.

In Flagranti - A Brag Mount [buy]

In Flagranti - Svelte Blonde [buy]


(What would have been) #1 House of House - Rushing To Paradise

Well the recent reissuing of this has softened my negative feelings about this track, or rather its distribution, once again making way for pure love and affection. I just think it's criminal that the BEST track of the year should be for elitist collectors only, those who were lucky enough to get their hands on a ridiculously priced copy of the original Whatever We Want release. I don't mind the idea of these boutique labels but making great music only to deprive people of it is just wrong - it shouldn't be an exclusive thing, y'know? Thank god this injustice is being overturned and the House of House guys are releasing the record, along with a mouthwatering Harvey mix, independently and limitlessly. Although I've been hearing the pressing is totally shit which just rubs salt in the wound. Sigh. To get onto the song itself... There's not a whole lot that needs to be said, except that it's one of the most perfect house music compositions ever made. Carefully calculated yet free flowing, every part of this song fits together flawlessly resulting in a euphoric 13 minute dance floor anthem. I couldn't get permission to post a low quality version but the record is as essential as it gets.

House of House - Rushing To Paradise (Walking These Streets) [buy]


#1 Faux Pas - Rose's Lament

So technically this came out in late December last year but I was overseas so I'm counting it in this year's running. Upon first listening this song completely knocked my head off; each listen after that somehow managed to deliver an even deeper impact. I still get goosebumps every time I sit down and blast this on my stereo. I'm not really sure how you'd describe the track musically... Maybe you'd find it in the 'psychedelic tribal folk' section of your local CD store. The density of emotion packed into this song, helped a great deal by haunting intermission clips of an old Bread track 'Look At Me', pushes this song over the finish line in first place for the last 12 months. There's no doubt that I've developed a really personal adoration for it which is one of the reasons it's right at the top, but at the end of the day it's an absurdly well produced song that I feel has a timeless quality that will preserve it for many years to come. Thanks, Faux Pas.

Faux Pas - Rose's Lament [buy]


Honourable Mentions:

Golf Channel - Fantastic boutique edits, obviously some fierce crate digging is responsible for these great releases. Thanks Justin Vandervolgen!

Lars Von Trier's Antichrist - Simply the best piece of film making in recent times. Spectacular.

Dishonourable Mentions:

Steve Aoki feat. Zuper Blahq - I'm In The House - Are you fucking kidding me? It was released 6 months either side of April Fools Day so I have to assume this is a legitimate release. Nice one Steve...

People saying 'FML' and 'fail' every second sentence - Please please please just stop. Please.


So there you go. I strongly urge everyone to buy this music if you really like it and help all these rad artists out. Would love feedback of course, and would certainly love to hear other people's top 10 lists - go comment crazy and give your 2 cents. Next year is looking to be even more exciting, particularly with our little label Death Strobe on the verge of launching. We've got some really cool music lined up which we have a lot of faith in so keep an eye out for more details as the months roll on. Thanks again y'all, much love! Have a really nice Christmas/silly season, stay cool and tell some strangers about how good disco music is. Spread the love! xxx

Thursday, 17 December 2009


So much wonderful stuff coming up - pay attention Australians! This weekend: Saturday at Melt in Kings X having a jolly Christmas bash, playing some tunes 11:30 til 1 to see how things go for a potential Disco Delicious night later on in January (!!) which is super exciting. Sunday afternoon we're doing a laid back Death Strobe collab party with Pete Versus Toby at Ching-A-Lings from 3pm which will be a beauty. January 8th is time to pop down to Melbourne for Special Disco Version & The Juan Maclean which will be ridiculous, followed by a swift return to Sydney for a Picnic warehouse party on the 9th with Lovefingers. Yes the next 5 weeks will certainly make its mark in the history books in the categories of 'best music' and 'deadliest hangovers'.


This edit of Miss You done by Dance! Dance! Dance! is just dandy. The original is as classic as it gets anyway, and the extended dance mix of 1978 did a magical job of grooving and stretching the fuck out of it but this just puts the cherry on top by being a bit more firm on the reigns, for the most part keeping it in the laid back sneaky disco realm. Handy intro for djs too. Beautiful!

The Rolling Stones - Miss You (Dance! Dance! Dance! Edit)

This has been a favourite of mine for a very long time, decided it's finally time to stop being selfish and share it out for those of you who don't know Lexx, a fantastic Swiss producer who's been released on Permanent Vacation, Bear Funk and Sonar Kolektiv among others. This, the A on his Perm Vac 12", is a wonderfully rich nudisco tune; a bit spacey, a bit deep. A bit of everything really, I guess you could say it's balearic or even dubby. The bass sound in particular really grabs me! The whole thing is a glorious journey through soothing synths and gently grooving rhythms. Truly an excellent record.

Lexx - Axis Shift [buy]

Been ripping into a lot of the old Stilove4music records which are, for the most part, stunning deep, soulful and funky affairs. This Andy Ash double 12" has some big tracks worth checking out. Lots of percussion binging and donging and shaka-shakaing in most of the tunes with some tasteful sampling done throughout. This number has a really nice celebratory vibe to it, very uplifting, very saucy and very party. Yum yum.

Andy Ash - Carnival De L'Spirit [buy]

I'll try to get the big top 10 written up next. Come enjoy these swell events this weekend! xx

Thursday, 10 December 2009

International Mischief

Really excited about a bit of Auckland action this Saturday! All you lucky lucky Kiwis come to Cassette for Golden Age. BOOZY TIMES. Inspect the flyer. For those of you in Sydney, well by golly you're also in luck! Wunderparty Picnic hosts Darshan Jesrani, one half of the legendary Metro Area, this Friday night at GoodGod. OH BOY. Not much else needs to be said - a brave and beefy Funktion One sound system, spectacular music and a non-stick non-toxic dancefloor. Grab tickets to the gig here. Also check out Darshan's Red Bull Music Academy lecture - he's a clever cookie.

Metro Area - We Also Not [buy]

I have no explanation why the only In Flagranti releases from their entire catalogue that I didn't own until the other day were Sounds Superb Vols 3 and 4. Makes no sense. Thank god I came to my senses and picked them up at long last. This edit is fucking brilliant. No idea what the original is but it's piping hot. Super sleazy, somehow droopy yet tight. That makes no sense. Awesome tune.

Bruno Cried - No One Has Ever Pinned Anything On Me [buy]

Been listening to these Space remixes more and more, couldn't help posting up another. Bottin's fab remix of their first track is a loud and funky affair which goes big on the bass. Seriously this is a great release! Not that Space needed any updating but these are all really nice interpretations and reworkings.

Space - Tango In Space (Bottin Remix) [buy]

Just a bonus Andrew Weatherall remix because it rocks. Have rediscovered RVNG MX5 by Justine D which is where I first heard this rocking monster. Classic stuff.

My Bloody Valentine - Soon (Andrew Weatherall 12" Mix)

Auckland here we come!

Friday, 4 December 2009

What's On My Floor Vol. 1

For quite a while now the floor in my room has been covered in little piles of old records I've accumulated in bulk over the last couple of years. I figured I might as well share some of the more noteworthy finds amongst seas of complete bollocks (I love that word.) It could be a bit of harmless fun or it could start violent riots... We'll see.

A member of the genuine quality family is Brazilian muso Eumir Deodato who, until finding a couple of records in the stacks, I hadn't listened to very much. The stuff I have here is mostly quite accessible jazz fusion, nothing too outlandish - just nice grooves. This jamification of Also Sprach Zarathustra (the theme from demigod Kubrick 2001: A Space Odyssey) really struck a chord with me (lolZ ^_^) and although for the most part it has nothing to do with the theme, I still think it's a cool adaptation. Ya dig? This is off the '72 album Prelude, all top stuff.

Deodato - Also Sprach Zarathustra

This Enoch Light record, 'Spaced Out', completely blew me away when I heard it. I've heard some of the other Enoch stuff and have since scrambled to get my hands on everything that exists through any avenue, but nothing compares to this LP. It's 60s psychedelic craziness taken to a very humourous level; it's as Austin Powers as you can possibly get. Shocking abuse of new stereo technology, totally bent whacked out synths wobbling about... it's like all these classic songs have been transformed from a dull kindergarten theatre version of Hamlet into a full technicolour production of Hair. This record is very rare although I believe a CD version of it exists somewhere. Just see if you can find some mp3s, it's worth it! All the tracks are way too short so I just did a bit of loopage on Bond Theme to make this it a decent length - no funny business.

Enoch Light & The Light Brigade - Ob-La-Di

Enoch Light & The Light Brigade - Bond Theme (Andy Webb's Slight Extension)

Another Brazilian here, Luiz Bonfa. This song is, for the most part, a dreamy acoustic samba but the chorus I think is brilliant. What a killer bassline!! With fantastic femme vocals to boot, it has a really bold energy about it although it completely lacks any oomph on the frequency side of things - I think the drummer was put in a corner and told to try not to get any of his noise anywhere near a mic. This is begging to be extended and expanded and exploded. It's off a nice album called Sanctuary.

Luiz Bonfá - Non-Stop To Brazil

Alright, this one is nothing short of a musical disaster; however, it is historically very interesting. The seizure-tastic cover gives you a pretty good hint of what tasteless surprises the record contains. It's the follow up to Perrey & Kingsley's first album, The In Sound From Way Out, and again is one of the very first commercially recorded uses of the Moog synthesiser. If you don't accept this album as nothing but cheekiness and fun, then it's a complete waste of time. Certainly not something I'll be putting on at a party or playing in my car but it was good for a laugh. Moogs kick ass. The LP is called Spotlight on the Moog: Kaleidoscopic Vibrations.

Perrey & Kingsley - One Note Samba

Is anyone interested enough for me to do this again? There's plenty of other cool/awful/interesting things sitting about here. Have a swell weekend!!

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Radio Shack

Oh boy, it's been an agonising week of having my net capped. Finally back in action...

I think I've forgotten how to blog. Let me see... This song by San Serac is really cool, I like it a lot. It is cute and funky and 80s-ish and stuff. It's from this groovy little release with a fab Morgan Geist remix. That is all.

San Serac - Night Works [buy]

OK I think i've got the hang of this now. The marvelous Rove Dogs has started this really hip edits little edits label, Small Time Cuts. Really digging this edit a big 80s Topo & Roby burner done by Get A Room! - a collaberation between Rove himself and Jeff Larson. Plenty of tasty reverb drenched powerdrums, grunty vocals and a nice thick bedding of deep analogue synth dickery. He's a man with a plan, really looking forward to seeing how this label pans out.

Get A Room! - Under the Vice [buy]

Mmm, all this 80s stuff is way too contemporary bro. Tirk have strangely, but welcomely, released a cool little remix EP of Space's first single Carry On, Turn Me On. The remixes mostly, like the original, have quite a light poppy air which isn't so common with most of the band's stuff that follwed, but it's certainly nice and refreshing. I reckon the AN-2 remix is the most interesting and offers the biggest change to the original, turning it into an tight and funky 11-minute low budget space odyssey - picture a charmingly crude papier-mâché star cruiser chilling in a plasticine galaxy. Soulful and adorable!

Space - Carry On, Turn Me On (AN-2 Remix) [buy]

Future Classic's delightful Après vinyl series is nearing release number four by Lithuanian producer Mario Basanov. Following a toy space gun shootout groove from Loin Brothers, a truly mixed bag of artists and [insert prefix]-house sounds on the second 12" and some indie influences from the likes of Sidwho? and Clubfeet more recently, Après 4 boasts a very fine simple-and-effective slow-mo synthy sorta house with some killer remixes from Downtown Party Network and 6th Borough. This remix is certainly not in any hurry to reach its destination - recommended lazy Sunday listening. Coming soon!

Mario Basanov - Do You Remember (6th Borough Vocal Mix)

Auckland cats - come to Cassette9 next Saturday (the 12th) as I'll be popping over to play a record or two and drink a beer or eighteen. Got some great records on the way so stay tuned!

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Under The Midnight Sun

'Allo cats and kittens. Just a friendly reminder that we're still looking for hip unsigned artists to get on board for our upcoming label. We've had a bunch of really interesting submissions - keep 'em coming! Anything with a dark/deep/disco vibe would be ideal. Shoot choons off to info(at)deathstrobe.com

Man, I'm getting lazier and more tired by the day. Here are a few songs to assist with melting into the couch this summer. Awesome groovy rolling bassy discofunk with minimal flair - just solid cool. This is a really cool release from Tyko Nordström, known here as For Disco DJs Only. And it's digital which should make you weird futuristic mp3 bandits happy.

For Disco DJs Only - Engelska (Tyko Nordstrom's Disco Dub) [buy]

This is also Tyko's doing I believe, released or distributed or somethinged by the magnifique Loft Records (which Tyko obviously has some level of involvement in. Total?) It's so simple and to the point and I love it so fiercely. The recording sounds like a really filthy rip which is doubled by the fact that the rip I did is far from clean, but I think it adds to the vintage analogue vibe of the track. Toasty warm.

Dub Version - Boogieasy (Unreleased Dub Version Re-Edit) [buy]

Greg Wilson's latest Credit to the Edit record is a total blinder, particularly this Escort track. I don't need to say much more, so I won't. Seriously worth getting your hands on this release, every track is pure gold.

Escort - Starlight (Greg Wilson Version) [buy]

Don't need to say much about SirBilly either. His legendary record collection and creative editing combine in a way that is easy to predict. This one is a good laff, ON AN UNRELATED NOTE FUCK I WOULD LIKE A JOINT RIGHT NOW.

Peter Tosh - Buk In Hamm Palace (SirBilly Edit)

Oh hey I got a Diana Mini yesterday, man it's a wonderful little toy! Any other lomographers about? Any tips? No doubt I'm going to be shoving this in everybody's face all summer long.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

The Sky Was Low

Been such a mixed spring so far... Today was magnificent though, totally Donna Summer weather. Here's some CLASSIC DONNA - very soothing when you're squirming about trying to decide if it's too hot for a blanket or too cool for just a sheet.

Donna Summer - Spring Affair

I've been holding out on this until release day - RVNG have just dropped their first full length release, Pink Skull's second album 'Endless Bummer'. Been listening to it a stack in the last couple of weeks and I can say with confidence it's absolutely one of my favourite albums of this year. Plenty of wonderful, weird and warped psychedelic sounds on this record; overall it's got a very raw innovative indie disco vibe to it, woven together with a bunch of 2-or-3-minute experimental strands of intriguing audio. Chicken Dream Inside Egg strikes me as sitting somewhere between debut WhoMadeWho fat bass simplicity and some of the more upbeat lo-fi cuts off The Flaming Lips' latest LP, also a contender for my album of the year. This is very special stuff - RVNG have really kicked their long playing releases off with a bang!

Pink Skull - Chicken Dream Inside Egg [buy]

If you happened to live next door to me you would probably know that this Paradise Lost edits record hasn't strayed far from my decks since it came out in April. The Sydney warehouse party crew really put something special together with this, all four edits are very cleverly and originally arranged. Catch Me Baby keeps me standing on the tips of my disco shoes waiting hungrily for the beautiful bassline to wander back in after what may be the world's longest teasing bridge.

Paradise Lost - Catch Me Baby [buy]

Got a bunch of records due to arrive any day now so hang tight dearest friends!

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

The Rat Is In The Trap

Sorry folks have had a busy few days. Will race through this for the sake of getting it done. All this music is awesome. Including this Disconet remix of a golden Hamilton Bohannon tune which many may recognise as being manically reworked in Oizo's Gay Dentists. Funky stuff. As I've said before, the most recent Disconet greatest hits releases have been right on the money - there's an amazing Imagination megamix sort of thing on this one too.

Bohannon - Let's Start the Dance (Disconet Remix) [buy]

Cool sorta electroboogie tune off 40 Thieves' Beats In Space EP which is a burner. Don't know why I put off buying the record for so long but very glad it's in my basket now. Grand!

40 Thieves - Love To Shake It Baby [buy]

I tend to find that some of the edit series, like Super Value, tend to sound a bit dated. This Super Value Classics record is an absolute stand out for me, I've been listening to this track sooo much and there's no chance of it getting tired any time soon. Simply gorgeous sunday slowmo jazzy disco.

Super Value - Untitled [buy]

Ha, this edit of Love Shack is really good fun. I'm not sure where the other elements are taken from or which parts are actually original but it's a kind of cruisy pool party version of the B-52s classic. Plenty of rampant percussion jamming and people screaming. Love the Situation stuff!

Situation - Goblins in the Bikini Shack (Naughty Hellfire Club Edit) [buy]

Fantastic new Soft Rocks single, I'm so in love with this. I didn't realise they got this deep. Such a thick groove down low with a bit of a back seat strutty guitar thing going on and a bit of floaty spaciness happening up high. All these elements come together to make a seriously rad song. So cool!

Soft Rocks - Leave Your Earth Behind [buy]


Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Big Dick(y)

For the first time in quite a while I'm really enjoying my nights out in Sydney! This Friday the 30th is going to be amazing - Picnic are taking over La Campana/GOODGOD to host Dicky Trisco, the marvelous man behind Disco Deviance, resident at Autodisco, and co-runner of Maxi Discs with Pete Herbert. Here are the deets. So excited for this!! I've got a few double passes to dish out, so if you're keen to come along just email a response to one of these brain benders:

1. Using 1000 words or less please give a comprehensive explanation of the theory of imaginary time, popularised by Stephen Hawking, without using the letters 'e' or 's'.

2. I don't care, just give me your name and you will probably win.

OK COOL. Got some stunners to post now, I highly recommend grabbing all these records if you can! Eric Duncan's C.O.M.B.I. edits series have all been sensational and this latest one is no exception. This one is ultra proper powerful dancing disco - can anyone help me with the original? Would love to know what it is. Lots of quality stomping to be done to this record.

C.O.M.B.I. - Tangled [buy]

Picked up this incredible Bim Marx & Master Khan white label as well: 4 tracks of superb edits, I really can't recommend getting this record enough! This one is groovy spring disco, soulful and full of motivational messages to help remind you on the dancefloor that 'you gotta be strong' and everything will be ok. Very reassuring, thank you anonymous disco artist.

Bim Marx & Master Khan - Untitled [buy]

This classic song totally rules. This version recently got released on East End Music. Patrick Adams is a god. This remix appears to have made very few changes to the original. That is all.

Phreek - Weekend (Victor Rosado Remix) [buy]

I only bought this Beatconductor 12 for his edit of Another Brick In The Wall Pt. 2 but ended up enjoying the B-sides even more. The vocals in this song are just so totally irresistible, I doubt I've ever heard better bop shoowup-ing in my life. I guess without them the song would be quite tedious but I seriously can't stop tapping my feet the whole way through this tune. The Floyd edit is great too, this single is a definite winner.

Beatconductor - Funky Boogie [buy]

Friiiiiiiday YEAH.

Friday, 23 October 2009


Mmmmmm I'm in the best mood. It's been nice and sunny, really looking forward to this weekend, and a bunch of incredible records just landed on my doorstep - will be posting some time later. So let's do some fun music! I'm pretty late on posting this but Sidwho has been copping some play by so many cool people lately. Such a great spacey funky jam. Hooootttttt rolling bass, hiiippppppp disco drums. Golly I love this song. Ahhh this weather is amazing, it's so fucking hot in my room I think I might melt!

Sidwho? - Vote Bowie For President [buy]

Finally got around to getting this Parallel Dance Ensemble record with a couple of delightful Yam Who reworkings. Sooo much fun! Silly vocals going on about some party nonsense, cheeky unoriginal synth bassline, lots of simple sequencers filling in the gaps - usually it's a pretty dangerous recipe but Yam Who pull it off with (hidden) style. Grins all round.

Parallel Dance Ensemble - Turtle Pizza Cadillac (Yam Who Rework) [buy]

Really enjoying what The Glimmers have done with 15 to 20 - kind of a bent indie vibe, a bit sleazy, a bit lazy disco. Maybe something you'd play at 10am when you're limp and exhausted on your mate's couch punching a cone and trying to justify staying up and 'partying' just that little bit longer. Or maybe it's more fun than that. I dunno, I like how they've sort of corrupted that innocence which makes the original so charming and endearing. See what you think. The Prins remix of You'll Disappear on the flip makes this a stunning little package.

The Phenomenal Handclap Band - 15 to 20 (The Glimmers Remix) [buy]

Tru Thoughts have released a tidy chilled out compilation for their 10th anniversary which includes this beauty. I've been a Quantic fan for ages so this is a real golden nugget for me. As lazy as you like, this is gorgeous music for a sunny sunday afternoon hang out at the villa with a straw hat and some Perrier to sip on. Extra special when the drums get taken up a notch in the last quarter. Prins Thomas is on fire at the moment! Or, always is, I guess.

Quantic - Mishaps Happening (Prins Thomas Edit) [buy]

Sydney folks, come to GOODGOD tonight for good tunes! I've got a ridiculous amount of amazing music to post in the next couple of weeks so heads up.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Inside Scoop: Cute Girl Wears Sunglasses

Heyyyyyyyy friends. Hope you're all having a swell weekend. Very excited for ze Popular People's Front tonight at La Campana! About to leave to go start getting drunk so here are some quick partie tunes to fire things up. Rad synth/legit italo disco hybrid song by 70s jivers Easy Going, tightened and beefed up by Eli Escobar. Big floor mover. No time for elaboration.

Easy Going - Baby I Love You (Eli Escobar Edit)

Been thrashing this crazy discoedits.com gem for weeks - thanks as usual Afro Jackson! Straight away the tempo slips right down igniting a bit of a sleazy erotic vibe which burns away for a while. Cue bass drum and rapid acceleration, suddenly it's a hard and fast groove to shock any dancefloor into an instant sweatbox. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea but I think it's coooooooool.

Unknown - Chase This Donna (AJ's Slippery Pitch Edit)

Wow so Nelue's been doing very well lately, so it seems. The Spaniard has a track on Eskimo's latest Cosmic Balearic Beats compilation which deserves many congratulations! I heard a bunch of these edits ages ago and somehow just forgot about them... FOR SHAME. His selections are half of the beauty here, they're all very clever and certainly not obvious picks. I really love this dreamy edit of Keep Talking, aside from the flamming drums at the start. And this edit of That's All is a brilliant idea, although it's a bit quick for the vocals to really get let out properly. I think it's all part of the charm though. Awesome.

Pink Floyd - Keep Talking (Nelue Re-Edit)

Genesis - That's All (Nelue Re-Edit)

Uh what else. Really liking this Franc Spangler remix of Alpha Child's latest. Beautiful deep, atmospheric, slightly spacey nudisco-ish groove. Quite sublime. It's sounding really nice at the moment while I'm putting my pants on and looking for my keys.

Alpha Child - Gamma Ray (Franc Spangler Mix) [buy]

Probably the most rushed post ever. OK HAVE FUN BYE. Y74ZYY4UW2U8

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Under Cover

I'd like to say it's been a slow music week but that's not at all true - some ridiculous(ly good) looking releases have popped up, I just haven't got around to listening to anything. Been a bit crook, been a bit lazy etc. and still feeling a bit drained. Anyway I'll just post a few things that I've been thinking about sharing for a while. Such as this magnificent Leo Zero production on The Popular People's Front's LOVE EP. Super funky and soulful with a few little Leo quirks. A total feel-good gospel party jam. I have no idea who actually represents The PPF in the live field, but catch him/her/them/it/who? this Saturday at La Campana in Sydney. More deets. WOOP.

The Popular People's Front - Church Love

Yaa, can't go wrong with another classic Levan remix. Bow bow biw bidow. Bidow-dow-dow dadow. Dabadab-daya dabadab-daya *clap clap*. Sing it now!

Jimmy Ross - First True Love Affair (Larry Levan Mix)

This is more on the new side. I really love what old mate Prins Thomas has done with this Jacob Korn track which is originally, although playful, a bit aggressive. He's turned whatever darkness was lurking about into warm summer light with his trademark loose-and-legit drumming, some lovely cheerful guitars and jolly whistling synths. Not to say the original is at all bad - no, it's great! - but this really does an all out mood transformation. Nothing particularly exciting or bold happens at any stage in the 13 minute cruise, save for a classic Prins amateur (and cute) drum solo for the last few minutes, but it's just beautiful banana lounge music to soak up some rays to. Ultra pleasant!

Jacob Korn - I Like The Sun (Prins Thomas Diskomiks) [buy]

I've been meaning to post this for quite a while but can never decide what I want to say about it. Is it a fantastic nostalgic gem? Or perhaps it's been a bit overhyped and it's more bland than people are letting on. Anyway it's the first in the Tribute series of special edit records by some unnamed producers *cough Autodisco DJs*. After all this time I'm not sure I feel like having an opinion on it. My record is really warped so it's unlikely to get played anyway.

Happy Mondays - We Love Mondays [buy]

Bring more sun plz. And less wind. See you Saturday, friends!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Return to Reality

Sorry about the absence, it's been a long crazy week. Will be in recovery mode for a while yet! Just going to whiz through this.

I'm quite mortified to discover our deathstrobe email has mysteriously died in the ass, sincere apologies to those who sent stuff that bounced back. Pretty please resend label submissions to into(at)deathstrobe.com and we'll do some listening. Sorry sorry sorry!

Just got this new Messengers Re-Edits record last week, it's dynamite! The A is a furnace-like funky jam, complete with dangerously obese bass and bitch slapping brass synths. And probably some long haired crazy dude who doesn't know the meaning of the word 'restraint' wildly banging his head and rocking out hard on those bongos. Totally solid music. The flip side is a beautiful edit of Pastime Paradise as sung by the silky smooth Ray Barretto in tasty salsa Latino style. Top record here.

Messengers - First Left [buy]

I seriosuly can't believe I've never heard of The Swiss before. I guess I get way too caught up in what's happening abroad that I fail to realise there's some amazing stuff happening right in my own back yard. The three 'Movement' tracks, now a few years old, beautifully demonstrate the band's musical versatility, maturity, and straight up songwriting talent. Apparently signed up with Modular's booking agency and produced by Donnie Sloan, the right people certainly seem to have confidence in them. Super keen to see these guys live. The digital EP is really cheap!

The Swiss - Movement I [buy]

YES YES YES the latest Phoreski's latest Bear Fist record has been unleashed and it's an absolute belter. The A side is an absolute monster. It takes off as a sinister steam train ride which suddenly bursts into a funky locomotive disco beast. Not much else to say - this is brilliant. Get it.

Phoreski - Untitled [buy]

Will be back with more this week once my head has settled. Erol totally blew it off my body on Sunday!

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Death Strobe

So my friend Ash (Le Rouge) and I are starting up a little record label which I'm super excited about. Still in the early stages, but we're looking for submissions now. Deep dark indie party tribal disco - think any combination of those words, that's the vibe. Of course it makes things easier if you're in Sydney, but location won't be a reason to say no if the music is right. Email some music to info(at)deathstrobe.com. Everything sent in will be listened to by both Ash and I. Woo!


Have had such a great week for finding music!! I should have waited a bit to mention Disconet - this latest release, Greatest Hits Vol. 4, I think is certainly an improvement on the other 3. Mainly because of the Fear Medley which I remember hearing in some set ages ago (was it a Horse Meat mix?) and really falling in love with. 14 minutes of totally pornographic disco. Yeah there are a couple of moments where it seems to just drift nowhere a bit, but for the most part this is hot hot music. And it's all worth it for the delicately subtle* sexual innuendo. Both tracks on the B side are alright, but Fear is the real reason to grab this record.

Easy Going - Fear Medley (Disconet Remix) [buy]

Clap Rules have produced yet another beauty here, which appears on Slow Motion Vol. 1. I'm so in love with their highly electronic yet really live sound. Basses popping and guitars twanging away over nasty sequencers, dreamy pads and cut up drums. With some rogue flute shoved in there for good measure. So desperate to see Fabrizio and his little crew doing this stuff on stage! Easily one of my top artists of the year, and I can only see them improving more and more. Bring on a second EP, enough of the single track teases!

Clap Rules - 123 cantyousee [buy]

Also should have held off on posting a version of Love Attack.. I never expected this would actually get released! Cosmo Vitelli played this edit of Love Attack when he was out a year or so ago and I was frothing over it. Sure, it's not WILDLY different to the original, and for good reason - it's hard to improve on something so classic. Still, this is my favourite adaptation of it. It's filled with those harsh cut loops that kinda polish it with dirt, if you get what I mean. Anyway, this is out on the latest I'm A Cliché release, Cliché Breaks 04, which is a fucking ripper, featuring edits from Richard Sen & Cazbee, Jacques Renault and Pierre Wax. That's proper value right there.

Cosmo Vitelli - Sex Attack [buy]

After a long wait, the next installment of Rvng of the Nrds has emerged from the shadows, this time with some fantastic tracks from Jackpot. The A side, Brief Encounter, is a beautifully edited high energy superfun disco treat. The other two tracks cover both light and dark synth heavy house infused nudisco. Very sad to hear that this will be the second last release in the series - mind you there's never going to be a shortage of top shelf quality music coming from the rad NY label/collective/whatever it is. As usual, this record is somewhat limited and truly is a MUST MUST MUST OWN.

Jackpot - Brief Encounter [buy]

By the way, thanks to all who replied to that last post!


Tuesday, 22 September 2009

You Kids...

Just quickly would like to do a little survey. I feel like I don't know anything about the people who read this lil' blog of mine.. I'm keen to know who buys what. How many of you guys buy records regularly? How about digital music? Maybe even those weird compact disc things, does anybody still buy those? How about nothing at all? Very curious to know the general spread. In particular, does anybody ever follow the 'buy' links and get physical copies of what's posted here? Comment away dear friends!

I've been treating these releases from Loft Records like Pokemon - I simply MUST catch them all. This plump disco edit by Jordan Fields is the B on one such record put out through the mysterious label. Mysterious as in I can't seem to find any proper information about them whatsoever. Is it actually a label? Is it some kind of mini-distributor? Yes their website is aesthetically gorgeous but a bit lacking on the content side of things. But back to the song: very simple and very effective - a beefy 2 bar bass/keys loop that swells and stews and leaves you on edge hungry for more. Can imagine this being dangerously good on the dfloor.

Rare Disco - Unreleased (Jordan Fields Re-Edit) [buy]

Also on said label/thing is this very cool Disco Aerobics record edited by one Tony Bozak DJ. Biiig funky disco with classic power-strings to command and motivate even the chubbiest of aerobics classes. No, not really, I don't see how this song has any place in a gymnasium. This is far better suited to colourful sequined flares and extravagant 60s synchronised dance moves under the disco ball. Brilliant record!

Disco Dance Demonstration - Latin Soul Hustle [buy]

For ages I totally forgot about DiscoEdits.com. Big mistake. The site's ever-so-generous caretaker Afro Jackson knows some fab music from some deep crates and knows how to edit it. It's all really high quality authentic stuff, a real gold mine for top shelf stuff you won't find elsewhere. Put the player on random, hit play and enjoy! I won't be neglecting AJ's lovely site again. Promise.

Sparque - Take Some Time (Afro Jackson's Short Edit)

This remix from Horse Meat Disco is certainly not what I expected. It's actually quite thumpy and deep with a few acidic moments. However it does retain a lot of the cute poppy charm of the Phenomenal Handclap Band original, which is nice. This is a big release! The Prins Thomas mix is great as well, and I expect Ilya Santana's will be a winner. Beatport is, as far as I know, the only place you can get the tracks at the moment, although (for me at least) they're territory restricted. Fuck it's ridiculous. Seems like they're actively trying to discourage people from buying music. Not going to spill a big rant just now, but it seriously pisses me off.

The Phenomenal Handclap Band - You'll Disappear (Horse Meat Disco Remix)

Be good. Stay in school. Respect your elders. And all that. Hey who in Sydney wants to give me a cushy job?

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Prodigious Disco

Have been listening to Harvey's famed '98 Essential Mix plenty in these last sunny weeks, and every time remember how much I fucking adore this song. It really is classic beyond classic. I think I slightly prefer Larry's remix to the original 12" mix, since it's a bit better structured for the club and it seems a hair beefier. It's just one of those songs where every element is memorable and the whole thing comes together perfectly. Pretty much as good as it gets as far as I'm concerned.

Instant Funk - I Got My Mind Made Up (Larry Levan Remix)

This is an absolutely colossal beast of a track upped and slightly edited by Rolfski on his excellent Deep Disco Soundcloud group. 14-odd minutes of epic spacey psychedelic disco jam. The original is the work of supreme producer/writer Celso Valli, perhaps best known for his groundbreaking releases as Azoto. This Patrick Cowley remix is just insanely big, a total sweat-factory. Thank you Rolfski!

Tantra - The Hills of Katmandu (Patrick Cowley Remix)

YES YES YES In Flagranti's latest Sounds Superb re-edits record is out on Juno Download. This one is a bit more of a party edition than some of its predecessors. The first track, Leach Power, is the most fun of the three - saturated in that signature IF sort-of-humourous/ironic merry holiday vibe. Sorta sounds like The Clash turned 80s flamboyant synth rock. I think I read somewhere the 12" is out on the 18th (this Friday) but you can get it digitally as of yesterday. Not that it wasn't predictable, but it's another expert release.

Servo - Leach Power [buy]

This is an awesome little disco nibble released as a 7" on the minuscule NYC Sound Record/Japanese Import Record imprint, somehow affiliated with/stemming from Loft Records. From what I can gather, Yoshi Nakamura aka King Onkyo is some hip collector from Tokyo who has clearly delved into some deep crates. The A-side here just pops in from nowhere with some cute funky disco, agogos and cowbells blazing, funky bassline strutting. The B is great too! This is pretty limited so snag a copy while you can. More goodies from Loft on the way.

King Onkyo - Untitled [buy]

Got a bunch more brilliant tunes to let loose this week (hopefully) so get excited!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Peaking Duck

Well deserving of Picadilly's disco record of the week, this is an absolute gem of a remix by Brennan Green of a coolies 40 Thieves tune originally released on Permanent Vacation. This one grooves supremely. It has sex with the hottest women. It sets fire to even the dampest brick wall. It oozes cool as dense as dark matter. And so on. Qzen's smooth vocals perfectly match the rich hearty bass and slightly acidic (pH 5.5) synth line. Also my fave of the week. Yumsies! Out on Brennan's own Chinatown label.

40 Thieves - Don't Turn It Off (Brennan Green Mix) [buy]

Since laziness is becoming even more of a key theme on this run down old blog, I figure why not keep throwing in stuff that's been in my record box for a while to help fill in the gaps. Nitedog and Lovefingers' Blackdisco series has been fantastic thus far, offering some slightly obscure funky disco cuts for dancefloors to enjoy over four generously music-filled records. I particularly dig volume 3 - all three tracks are ripe for playing out with good results guaranteed. Love this spiffy party edit of Nitedog's, flaunting some durrrty long haired guitar (haha jokez), some uplifting plonky piano and some enthusiastic disco shouts. Fun music.

Bionic Boogie - Chains (Nitedog Anonstop Edit) [buy]

Although none of them have really grabbed me by the throat and slapped me about, I feel I should at least mention the recent-ish release of these best-of Disconet records - a popular DJ subscription service running from '77 through to 1990. All pretty stock standard stuff really; quality music but rarely audacious (or so I feel). So yeah, some of the finer picks have been reissued and you may or may not find them interesting. At the very least, you can't really go wrong with them - this remix of Love Attack is a perfect example. Who doesn't love Love Attack? Solid.

Ferrara - Love Attack (Disconet Remix) [buy]

Another song I've been very reluctant to post over the last... forever. So I'll just get rid of it and let the listening publique decide. I just really dislike the vocals on this track - aside from that it's a winner. From Eskimo's first Cosmic Balearic Beats compilation (of which the second volume is now out of the gates, can't wait to hear it!) this Lovelock track is a tasty spacey slowish chugging number which is stained with whimpy cry-baby lyrics that really just feel completely unnecessary. Instrumental please. Sorry if I'm being harsh... I do love the song. But yeah, check out the new collection here which, like its predecessor, promises to be an excellent album!

Lovelock - Don't Turn Away (From My Love) [buy]

Finally, the first hour of a truly spectacular 3hr set by Mark Seven at Horse Meat Disco some months ago which was a super limited bonus with his latest 12 from oki-ni. I just got this link from the djhistory forums so I hope I don't get in trouble :)! 60 solid minutes of incredible gay disco that, whether deep down inside or blatantly on the surface, everybody loves! Don't deny it. This is really special stuff. So is Mark's EP, Travelogue, which appears to have been selling like hot cakes all around the net. Seriously good music.

Mark Seven - A Salute to the Men of Vauxhall (Disc 1) [buy EP]

If you're in Sydney, come to World Bar tonight around 12! Everyone else, have a good weekend!

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

A Flower of Unknown Colour

Sorry about the delayyy, brain has been fried. Dear me.

No clue how I missed this a couple of months ago, I'm horrified i could let ANY In Flagranti track slip past me. This remix of The Glass is just fantastic, nothing less than what I would expect. 20,000 different rhythms bouncing around, hypnotic forever-unresolving chords that keep reeling you in, this is extreme dance material. Play it loud loud loud. Cover the furniture in bubble wrap first.

The Glass - Wanna Be Dancin (In Flagranti Remix) [buy]

A couple of classic edits from a couple of true masters: Theo Parrish and DJ Harvey. Fuck, these are as groovy as you could possibly ask for. My only general complaint about this era of edits is, in my mind, they tend to drag on a little bit. That said, they're still streets ahead of most that are being done 5, 10 or 15 years on. Smooth ultra-hip breaksy jazz funk from Harv'; big bold disco anthem from Theo's Ugly Edits series. Genius!

The Dells - Get On Down (Theo Parrish Re-Edit)

DJ Harvey - Joyous

Just realised I haven't posted this before when I was sure I had. Well, this Light Sounds Dark edits record is a special one to say the least. Amongst some obscure disco cuts, this is my favourite - a cute laid back number with some adorable chirpy vocals and wandering flute. Certainly the most 'normal' of the bunch, the other stuff on this 12 is much more adventurous and out-there. If you can hunt it down it's well worth owning!

Sarr Band - Double Action (Light Sounds Dark Edit) [buy]

Promise I'll be good and post another by the end of the week. In other news, a Disco Delish night is definitely in the works for Sydney so stay alert.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Fucking Mondays

In a bit of a rush to get this done. Haven't been too productive on the music hunting front this past week so I'll dish out some of the stuff that's been in the reserves pile for quite a while. Commence laziness! You may recognise this Bunny Sigler tune from In Flagranti's A Decade Of Hero Worship, or you may recognise it simply as an awesome classic disco tune. A lengthy party party jam, stacks and loads and piles of fun. Great album, too.

Bunny Sigler - Let Me Party With You (Party Party Party)

Pretty hot rendition of Summer In The City as manipulated by Peter Visti, released on Mindless Boogie a year or so ago with a cool Social Disco Club tune on the B. Visti adds a bit of grime to the affair and loops the shit out of the main riff, keeping it slightly tense until the vocals finally pop in near the end. Did I mention my excitement about the approaching summer? Final days of winter and it's peaking at a balmy 28 degrees celsius. Yes yes yes YES.

The Lovin' Spoonful - Summer In The City (Peter Visti Edit)

A couple more cheeky songs stolen from the awesome Sci-Fi Pogo to slowly dribble out. Both tunes that I've often thought would be awesome to edit, however both done differently to what I had in mind. Not a bad thing! The bass and keys in Tampled Under Foot coupled with John Bonham's always rock solid groove on the kit beg for this song to be danced to. This edit, by John Daly, is pretty simple and just works that groove hard. Loudtone's transformation of Coconut is far more drastic, throwing in a thick broken beat - the result makes me think of a really lanky kid with totally disproportionate giant muscular thighs or something. I'm honestly not crazy about it, but it's a cute idea which might strike a chord with some people. Fun!

Led Zeppelin - Trampled Under Foot (John Daly Edit)

Harry Nilsson - Coconut (Loudtone Edit)

Might as well throw in another old tune for the sake of fleshing this post out. Funky 80s song which got re-released as a white label earlier this year, and has now also popped up on the latest Cosmic Club record. Space-age synths and vocoder accompany flashy slap bass, just a cool laid back thang. Sorry, my record is a little noisy, it didn't come out perfect.

Q - The Voice of Q (Instrumental) [buy]

Mike Simonetti was killer at La Campana the other night... Picnic are also putting on a warehouse party this Sunday in Sydney with Mugwump, which I'm massively excited about. Check it out! HAPPY LAST DAY OF WINTER :):):):)

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Happy Days

It's getting a bit ridiculous just how dominant DFA are at the moment. The unexpectedly techy Happy House remixes EP, the hallowed 45:33 remixes, Shit Robot's new devastating single, etc. are all reminders of the label's silly level of superiority. Two of their latest releases, (at last) a new record from New Yorkers Still Going, and Aussie faves Canyons' first single since their recent signing, continue this trend of ultra high quality music. I really love this B side on Spaghetti Circus, which dons a classic James Murphy/DFA sounding bassline and an airy lounge vibe. Very relaxing. The Jacques Renault remix of Fire Eyes is the only thing that has disappointed me - it's certainly not very jungle-esque as it claims to be - but the original is a corker, sorta electro tribal. All Murphy need now is another lCD Soundsystem album and world domination would be well within his reach.

Still Going - Untitled Love (Instrumental) [buy]

Canyons - Fire Eyes [buy]

I think I'm going to declare the next 30 days to be Leo Zero Month on Disco Delish. This Clash reworking has heaps of slightly twisted crazy party energy. Way too addictive. Get into it!!

The Clash - Should I Say Or Should I Go? (Leo Zero Re-Work)

I love it when In Flagranti do a remix like this. Has next to NOTHING to do with the original Bag Raiders track, except for cut up and mixed up slithers of the vocal and a 15 second tease of the original synths popping in towards the end. As with their 'remix' of La Fumo Loco, I'd half expect that this was already an 80% finished original track which just had some insignificant elements changed to make easy work of the task. It's your typical IF groove, heavy on the percussion, and some sounds that remind me of old SebastiAn stuff sans overpowering distortion. Does anybody else get that vibe? Maybe I'm thinking of something else. Dunno about a 12" for this release, but it's been on iTunes for a little while now.

Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars (In Flagranti Remix) [buy]

Will cap this off with a true 70s classic by Azoto, who have had some things recently re-released as strange (and pricey) white label LPs. I think the first time I heard it would have been in Erol's initial Disco 3000 mix which still holds a monthly residency in my car CD player. The vocals in the main version are a bit over the top for me, there's more than enough to hear in the instrumental so we'll leave it at that.

Azoto - San Salvador (12" Instrumental Mix) [buy]

Getting very excited for Mike Simonetti this Friday at La Campana! Get tix now!!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Recording Records

All 5 records that landed on my doorstep yesterday are total hits, so I'll share the lot. Seriously feels like Christmas every time an order arrives, an excitement that will never get old. Glory's 02 has, in the last couple of months, crept its way up to just about the very top of my favourite records of 2009 chart, so I've been really excited about Leo Zero's next move. Again, this is a really special one! Message Of Love, the A side, features a bold Freddie Mercury vocal and, SERIOUSLY, one of the catchiest basslines I've ever heard in my life. On first listen I literally could not stop singing along with it for the entire 8-odd minutes. Buy this record. Buy everything Leo has touched. Start a Leo Zero church in your neighbourhood, convert everyone on your street. This is excellent music.

Leo Zero - Message of Love (Leo Zero Re-Edit) [buy]

Been really keen to get my hands on this next Fitzcarraldo Variations release, it's so much fun. Cheeky, borderline silly rocky disco seems to be the general theme here. This song makes me picture a bunch of amateur theatre idiots dressed in full body nylon cat suits leaping about in a semi-retarded covert manner. Fantastic! History Clock is truly one of the most obscurely fun labels about.

The Fitzcarraldo Variations - Black Cat [buy]

At first I was a little unimpressed with this Chamboché record I've been reading about... But after a couple more listens I'm warming up to it. The original drags on a bit, but both remixes are quite nice. Going to go with the Pete Herbert mix as my tune of choice since I'm a bit of a sucker for his pleasant and accessible bright-but-not-blinding shimmering disco sound. If you're not looking for a challenge, go for this.

Chamboche - Ipso Facto (Pete Herbert Remix) [buy]

Feeling really lazy at the moment so will breeze through the rest of this. This 4 track Popular People's Front record (original by RĂĽf Dug + 3 remixes) is the one I was a little unsure about, and turns out it's probably my favourite of the bunch. All the tracks have a twisted kinda tribal feel, really percussive and primitive. The Unabombers remix is my fave, really works the big drum feel hard. A must buy!!

RĂĽF Dug - Dirty (Unabombers Remix) [buy]

Moxie's tribute to MJ is a stunner. I was going to post the big party A side but this edit of Let Me Show You is incredibly beautiful. Probably my favourite memorial that's come out so far, this track is haunting yet soothing at the same time. Very nostalgic, very heartwarming.

High Five - Way To Go [buy]

Anybody in Sydney going to Mike Simonetti next saturday? You should be.

Friday, 14 August 2009

Balmy Days and Palmy Bays

A bit of a mixed bag here.

Tim Sweeney's RVNG mix, Mx3. Every few months I go back to it and go overboard with repeat playing it until I have to put it away again for a while. Really just way too good. Aphex Twin, Radiohead, Grace Jones, Kraftwerk, Zongamin... Spectacular. Anyway, I've always had a bit of a thing for this quirky Was (Not Was) tune. It's got an interesting dissonant mentality, a kinda bent sound. So here it is for your judgement. More importantly, though, if you don't have that mix cd of Tim's, GET IT NOW. And get Justine D's too. And get everything that's still available on the site while you still can. Fin.

Was (Not Was) - Wheel Me Out (Remix Version)

At last this Supermayer remix has been officially released on Kompakt's latest compilation, Total 10. Thank god, until now the only version I've had has been defective and cut out 2/3 of the way through. Heart's A Mess is one of my favourite songs of all time (I don't care if it's cliche) and this remix does everything it can to extend and embellish and enhance each heart wrenching moment. Why Gotye didn't want this released is on the single is beyond me. The track grooves and shuffles and swells for the first four minutes until rich velvety strings wash away the beat and open the song up for Gotye's delicate vocals and bone dry acoustic guitar. I could rant about this forever, it's just fucking spectacular. 10/10.

Gotye - Heart's A Mess (Supermayer Supermess Remix) [buy]

Have been hesitant with posting this next Downtown Party Network track for a month now, figured I'd just put it out there and not worry about it anymore. It doesn't completely seal the deal for me because, frankly, it's nothing even slightly new. That said, it's a top quality piece of production and, at the end of the day, it works. Just take it or leave it, maybe it's your thang. Dreamy cruisy synth-heavy nu disco you don't have to think about.

Downtown Party Network - Heart Break Dancing [buy]

This new Hotbath Re-Edits record is fantastic! Apparently the work of Crazy P, the 4 cuts on here are totally varied and totally hot. Quincy Jones and No Doubt on the same record. Strange but cool! And I have to admit, the No Doubt edit (Hella Good) is probably my favourite. It works out to be a bit of a dub version, just the groove smoldering away with minimal vocals. Lots of fun! If you do get a chance to snap this record up before it disappears, it's worth it.

Hotbath - Keep On Dancing [buy]

Who knows why I'm posting this. I guess I don't feel obscure enough sometimes. A Chow Daddy track from an old Moxie record, no clue what it's an edit of. Maybe you'll love it, maybe you'll hate it. Lucky dip!

Chow Daddy - Batman

Also, Juno has a new podcast series, the Juno Disco Series which is curated by Faze Action. Very exciting! Episode 1 has a nice variety of top disco tunes, so make sure you give it a whirl. Oh and it does this really cool thing I haven't seen before where with each different song the artwork and song info changes and it links to the record. Am I just becoming one of those old people who is fascinated by remote controls and voice activation, or is this actually some new funky thing? Yeah, good podcast series imminent. Get into it.

Oh ALSO, Sydneysiders swing by World Bar tomorrow night at 11:30, will play some fun tunes4u. Have a good weekend!!

Monday, 10 August 2009

Welcome, Summer

For aaaages I've wanted to do a little Disco Delicious night, at least just a one off thing. It's really hard to find great disco with a bit of a nu edge in Sydney, aside from at Picnic nights, and I'd really love to have a party where there's no compromise with the music policy - just totally top shelf boutique disco. It's still just an idea, but if anybody could offer some tips, info, help, input, whatever- I'd appreciate it. How many of you peeps would come? Promise it would be fun :)

OK MUSIC TIME. LICKING MY LIPS. I find Bob Marley covers tend to be very hit and miss.. This one on D-Classics is right in the center of the target. This red hot big jazz band rendition is stupidly tight and funky. Summer is finally starting to waft under my nose in Sydney - with temperatures beginning to leave the winter brackets - and these tunes are really helping me to get in the banana lounge mood.

The Chequers - Get Up Differently (German Version) [buy]

Lovefingers is all kinds of fantastic, that's no lie. I've been loving the Black Disco series but had never heard the first volume until a few days ago, which features this stunning low-mid tempo Hawaiian shirt hangout tune. Give me a pineapple filled with some kind of tasty alcohol and some ember orange sunlight to bask in, crank this up and await heaven. Ice cool and toasty warm at the same time, this is a huge winner. Check out the rest of the series too if you haven't already, the Soft Rocks' latest offering is top shelf too.

Sammy Barbot - Mexico (Lovefingers' Barrio Edit)

More balcony/beachside goodness here, but with a different flavour - dreamy drifting house from Eddie C out on Jiscomusic. Never in a rush, this song just grooves along at a leisurely pace without a hint of stress. The soothing vocals just get you floating away. Wait for the last section of the song where a big jazzy groove, still laid back, suddenly kicks in and rides on out for the last couple of minutes. Bliss!

Eddie C - You're Welcome [buy]

Luke Vibert's new album We Hear You was released the other day. I had huge expectations. They were shattered, in a bad way. Not that the production isn't overwhelmingly good, which it is, but the whole hip hop influenced electronic music thing (or 'trip hop' as some of you rogue youths have been calling it) really doesn't whip my cream. So instead here's an old 2004 track off one of his other albums, under his Kerrier District alias. Disco influenced electronic music - that's a sound i can go for! All nice fun, bright stuff.

Kerrier District - Illogan

Loud Minority Radio have still been keeping busy and have just released a nice edit of The Clash's ultra groovy disco punk classic The Magnificent Seven. Added a little bit of glitter, a bit of beef to the bass.. And is just generally better for the club. Check out their other recent stuff on their SoundCloud page.

The Clash - The Magnificent Seven (LMR Re-Ride)

Let the BBQ season commence.