Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Delishcast 011

Hey chaps - welcome back to the most reliable, most punctual, most dependable blog on the internet. Sorry, spellcheck is telling me I should be capitalising the I in Internet. Your wish is my command, oh supreme network overlord.

Finally another Delishcast is for your enjoyment/contentment/mild disappointment. This initially came from a playlist I made for a friend a while back, but I've replaced most of the stuff that's already been used here on DD. Not all, but most. Basically it was intended as one big billboard promoting some of my favourite people and labels from the past 6 months and beyond: Christoph El Truento, Floating Points, Quiroga/Really Swing, Jazzy Sport and Wonderful Noise. Also this guy The Nothing who I only discovered a couple of days ago is really fab too. For the most part this mix is a whole bunch of nice beats. I know absolutely fuck all about hip hop and couldn't tell you the difference between any of the newfangled genres which are some form of electronic deviation, but I do know that I love a good groove and I'm especially partial to putting jazz into the hands of beatmakers. Anyway, hope you dig this one. There'll be more to come!

Delishcast 011 / Subscribe in iTunes / RSS Feed

1. Christoph El Truento - Cub
2. Floating Points - Myrtle Avenue
3. Black Horse - Come With Me
4. Quiroga - Emanuelle Voodoo
5. Green Butter - The Smooth Route
6. Moodymann - Desire
7. Quiroga - Crackin Martelli
8. Quiroga - Batik
9. MONKEY_sequence.19 - Summer Blu
10. Jonti - Nagoya Train Station 3AM
11. DJ Mitsu The Beats - Change
12. Twigy Al Salaam - Rain
13. The Nothing - Jazzy Sport
14. Cortex - 8-Oct-71
15. Black Cow - Smiling Kingfushi
16. Plej - Lay of the Land
17. Christoph El Truento - Sold
18. Floating Points - Faruxz

Direct link to mp3

Tell me what you think. Or don't. Nah do.

Friday, 25 May 2012

The Age of Ageing

Nah just kidding, I'm still here. OK, so where were we...

Actually, in my slack, unexplained absence, this little blog of mine turned 5 years old. Man that freaks me out. It's been really fun having people read the trash that I dump here, and it's certainly brought me a great deal of fame, money and bitches. A wholehearted thanks to everybody whose music I've exploited for my own financial gain, and equal gratitude to everybody who's laid eyes on this monstrosity on more than one occasion. You're all lovely!

So yeah, so we just released Sleep D's record which turned out beautifully! Very proud of the whole package - just take a look!

Gorgeous. The music is stunning too, and you're all aware that I was a genuine fan long before we ever got talking about a release. Have a listen to the full thing, then if you're digging it or just feeling generous, go nab a copy from Juno or some place like that. We're having the launch party up here in Sydney with the Sleep D dudes, so if you're in town please come along! Details here.

Uh, what else is news... Caught Moodymann last month which was utterly incredible. The first time I saw him spin it was just flat out boring, but this was out of control amazing. So fucking Detroit. That was the first time I heard the Opolopo remix of Gregory Porter's 1960 What? which totally melted my face. One of the most vital records I've heard in ages, go snatch a copy immediately. Also check out this rad cover of Black Mahogani by Cro-Magnon, such a vibing lounge jam. Some of the Cro-Magnon stuff really weirds me out, but this Mellow Out & Acoustic album is totally supreme. Oh, and in case you missed it, a new Moody EP came out through that whole Scion/AV thing, and it's pretty tops. Grab it here!

Gregory Porter - 1960 What? (Opolopo Kick & Bass Rerub) [buy]

Cro-Magnon - Black Mahogani [buy]

Moodymann - Got 2 Make It

Aside from that I've just been listening to lots of mixes and podcasts, not doing much record shopping at all. Hit up my man Steele Bonus' latest mix which is made up of like 20 rare disco records that I REALLY WANT. Don't have a clue what most of them are and it's got me salivating heavily. Also have a listen to one of Ruf Dug's latest mixtapes which is a real trip. Weirded out shit that only Ruffy can pull together.

Steele Bonus - Exclusive Picnic Mix, May 2012

Ruf Dug - Dark Energy episode 73

See you guys in a bit.