Friday, 30 July 2010


Yeahhh I've been after this Cookhouse record for aeons since hearing it in Harvey's essential mix - finally, after a couple of dodgy Discogs transactions, it's in my lap and it is indeed a beauty. It's a big club house beefing up of D Train's 'Music' which still smells super fresh. Only problem is it seems the mystery men behind the label tried taking the pump a little too far, and the last section of the tune is clip central. There's a good chance this is the loudest record I've ever encountered.. So unfortunately the sound isn't quite up to scratch. Still, it's one of those situations where the quality of the content outweighs the flaws of the package. Definitely a weapon worth getting your hands on!

The Pudmen - Pud Music

This track has me super excited for the debut release of Luke Million (keys extraordinaire of The Swiss) on Future Classic in September. A bubbly, cheeky, poppy synth disco playsong featuring a vintage Arnie aerobics sample. The synth sounds are to die for, particularly the main bass lick - I expect producers will be foaming. You can grab a 320 by signing up to the FC mailing list at their website. Happy stuff!

Luke Million - Arnold

And a fucking hot old Popular People's Front jam off the Love EP which I just rediscovered this week. Burrrrrrrrrrrn!

The Popular People's Front - Keen Doin' Your Dance

If you're in Sydney, hit up our Bondi party on Sunday afternoon/evening!

Tuesday, 27 July 2010


Oh golly, after an excruciating wait I had a tonne of records plopped on my head by the postman last week which I'll drizzle out over the next fortnight. Sorry for being lazy - however our DSR001 CDs have arrived and there has been much to do! More news on that soon. Been wanting to get my mitts on this Freddie Mas record for yonks and I'm happie to say it's really something fab. It certainly doesn't have that savage edge that I'm used to with Freddie's stuff - but it's got plenty of Codek druggy sleaze and tongue-in-cheek quirk. The B-side is fucking hot too, you can pick up a copy of this bad boy pretty cheap on Discogs so get on it!

Freddie Mas - What I Remember About You [buy]

The latest Space Ranger record is just lovely. Although it's got remixes from Rayko and Ajello, the two original tracks are the hotties for me. Beefy cosmic house beats with some pretty slick sound effects. Sadly missed out on the last 12" so this is a nice consolation. Great for when the club begins to get a bit hot and heavy!

Space Ranger - Superstring [buy]

A couple of other things here - a wonderfully funky edit from MagneticSoul which is beautifully cut up, and a really spectacular albeit simple Rio Lobotomy op on Nick Cave's Red Right Hand. A DJ's dream. I'm thrilled at how tastefully it's been done, using very calculated restraint to allow the rolling bassline to retain control of the groove. Really loving both of these. I'll post the Rio remix from our label's first release in a week or so, keep an ear out!

MagneticSoul - Together

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand (Rio Lobotomy Op)

If you're not heading to Splendour this weekend, drop by our Bondi party on Sunday! Flyer is chilling in the sidebar.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Taken a couple of weeks sick leave to cough up all my organs but back in action now! Just a quickie to ease back into things.. There are plenty of amazing new records on the way, I promise! But for now here are a few excellent oldies. Like this killer 1979 space disco staple by Bamboo. Or an equally awesome intergalactic boogie by The Z.A.C.K. with tongue firmly planted in cheek. I heard Mind The Cosmic Rocker in an incredible Vidal Benjamin set from Lovefingers' site. Seriously must-hear shit! Hit it up here.

Bamboo - Spaceship Crashing [buy]

The Z.A.C.K. - Mind The Cosmic Rocker [buy]

Speaking of Lovefingers, I totally fell in love with this Andwella track that opens his Xmas mix I posted many months ago. Maelstrom's edit on Mindless Boogie really doesn't do it for me, the hairy early 70s rock vocals are crucial to the groove. After finally getting a copy of the album I have to say it's truly excellent, a summary of everything I love about one of my favourite eras of music. Some funky rockers like this one, a few beautiful psychedelic ballads, some brilliantly composed symphonic flashes. If you dig 70s rock it's a real gem.

Andwella - Hold On To Your Mind [buy]

An awesome edit of a Carrie Lucas track that is immediately recognisable to anybody ever as being sampled in Armand Van Helden's 'You Don't Know Me'. Super awesome tune! And until this very moment I had been misreading the label as saying Phenomenal Handclap Band. Close but no cigar - this is apparently Joey Negro's handiwork. Some excellent edits and an excellent moniker to boot.

Phenominal Handicap Band - Carry On Carrie [buy]

And just for fun here's my favourite track from one of my favourite mixes by Eric Duncan in Tokyo: the C.O.M.B.i. live CD/DVD. This spectacular edit of Hang Together by Odyssey (thanks Sofie!) is so stupidly supremely superb. I pray that this gets some sort of proper release although I'm sure it won't. If you can find a copy of this package somewhere it's pure gold.

C.O.M.B.i. - We Gotta High Together [buy]

I'll be back in the saddle from now on I promise! Things are getting busy with our label, DSR001 is due to be released on August 13th which is super exciting! We'll be doing the launch in Sydney at GOODGOD on August 20th, FUCK YEAH!