Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Bye Johnny, You're My Favourite Customer

When this Maxxi & Zeus release on International Feel came out last year and copped lotsa love from big names I don't think I gave it enough of a listen. Or I must have been in some kind of fucked up alternate plane of reality because I was a bit dismissive of it. Thankfully I've come to my senses and rediscovered it recently and I'm loving it the way any sane person should. The A-side is so beautiful but it's the B that really extends my rod. Medleys are usually shit at best but this little collection of 70s disco gems with a bit of dirty talk spliced in is phenomenally groovy. It's fun and funky yet there's a bit of a dark and twisted attitude going on. Superbo.

Maxxi & Zeus - MZ Medley [buy]

Been holding this Onur Engin edit back for a while, he's quickly become one of the handful of editors you can always trust to put out a quality record. Love Me Love Me Now is a super nice serenading groove that works just as nice in the club as it does on the rooftop. The B is just as soothing and gentle, taking it down a few hundred bpm with some serious slow-burn action: scatter some rose petals on the bed, light a few scented candles and start video taping. The whole record aches of smooth. Too easy!

Onur Engin - Love Me Love Me Now [buy]

Can't stop listening to this Human Egg album and can't stop debating whether it's a creative and original work or a brilliant imitation of sounds coming out of the US and UK in the 70s. Just about every track sounds like there's a specific inspiration that's been drawn, whether it's Bowie, Hancock or whoever. Very interesting. Anyway when the tracks are good they're great! Love this one in particular - tell me who comes to mind when you listen to it.

Human Egg - You Keep Me Warm My Lady [buy]

This Sat'dy head down to GoodGod for Slow Blow where our good buddies Softwar are launching their EP. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. And then Sunday on the rooftop with spesh guests Cosmonaut. Cya then!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Delishcast 005 - Summer Eulogy

What an atrociously brief summer, I'm still convinced somebody fucked up the calendars this year and a couple of months got skipped. But as short as it was, it was also pretty awesome, and I'd like to pay tribute to the best season around with a specially dedicated Delishcast that ties together all the thangs that got me moist over the hot months. Special mention has to go to Harvey's visit to Aus which made it extra special - there are a couple of sarcastic classics in here for that reason.

Things are still keeping pretty warm in these parts and this Sunday we've got Justin Miller from DFA coming to spin at our rooftop Sunday Sesh so COME HAVE A DRINK!

Delishcast 005 / Subscribe in iTunes / RSS Feed

1. Stephen Michael Schwartz - Get It Up For Love
2. The Blue Velvets - Summertime
3. Gala Drop - Drop [buy]
4. Richard Schneider Jr. - Hello Beach Girls [buy]
5. Toro Y Moi - Still Sound [buy]
6. Radiohead - A Punchup At A Wedding [buy]
7. Black Cock - C Is For Charlie [buy]
8. Herbie Hancock - Watermelon Man
9. Super Value - Mercy [buy]
10. Matt Moroder - Shuggie (Matt Moroder Cut) [buy]
11. Begin - Optical Holiday (Part 2)
12. Michael Shrieve - Transfer Station Blue

Direct link to mp3

Much loves everyone, see you on Sunday!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Chic Chic Chic

Yayyy way cool, Justin Vandervolgen is playing Sydney this Saturday at GoodGod :))) going to be a really fun night, if you're in town do come along! Clickity click the flyer for tickies!

Also check out this supremo mix Justin did for us to promote the tour, it's an absolute fucking beast:

Justin Vandervolgen Picnic Oz Tour Mix 2011! by Picnic Touring & Events

And onto a few tunes - this latest Claremont 56 release by Almunia (who I know absolutely nothing about) is so so fantastic. The A-side, New Moon, is a gorgeous guitar cruiser that hits the Sunday spot perfectly, but it's this track that makes me go bendy. I guess like you'd expect from every Claremont record ever it's just way too awesome, beyond top quality. It's a really simple stripped back down-to-business slow-mo chugger - and i fucking love it. Anyone know who Almunia is?

Almunia - Travel (Instrumental) [buy]

Also here's the track I used in that little video for our Sunday parties, which is off the latest Light Sounds Dark compilation 'After The Void'. Really hip tune! And an essential release if you haven't got your hands on it yet.

Gift of Dreams - Moonwalk [buy]

Skimping on the music for now, new Delishcast next week which will be a reeeeally good one! Much lurve.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Frames (aka This Avocado)

Got some real tasty exotic morsels for this sesh that I've been looking forward to sharing for a while. First up is a cut from the freshly released Soft Rocks album sampler which is just super duper. Warning: this is only on the sampler, not the album, which is also super duper. I haven't heard a great deal more snare drum grooves hipper than this one, it absolutely pops my head off, and it just gets better in the percussion break mid-way through the track. Yeah the brief sections of vox and synth are cool but it's when shit gets tribal that this tune really shines. Brilliant!

Soft Rocks - Ah Zhaa! [buy]

Skipping over to the Middle East we get this ripping KM Editions record with wonderful Arabic flavours, again a bit left of centre. After the long mish-mash of sounds and voices to get you acclimatised you're treated to a meaty dish well worthy of a wobble in your burqa. Things travel nice and slow towards a rich groove with some horns and cosmic synths thrown in for good measure. I really love the vibe of this whole record, I hope more people in the editing world will be digging into more exotic record crates.

KM Editions - Discotheque Arabe

Another beauty here by The Natural Yogurt Band which employs the wonderful warming sound of a kalimba, totally the coolest instrument ever. Fantastic plonky keys, some saturated drums sitting over in the corner, beautiful dry flute crooning away, this song really does just sound so natural (yogurt). I feel like every time I listen to it a tree is saved somewhere. Love it.

The Natural Yogurt Band - Eastern Promise [buy]

Heading up to old Europa now - France in fact - for a tune that sounds decidedly American. Totally incredible funky number from a totally incredible and often properly weird album by 70s mystery group Human Egg. I can't really work out how the music on this record fits together but it's heaps of fun and pure quality if you dig things that are a bit unexpected. Just be careful of the power ballads.

Human Egg - Feeling On My Mind [buy]

Hope you enjoy this little excursion. I'm working on a summer tribute Delishcast which I'll probs post next week - promise it will be amazing!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Autumn Ambush

Ayyyyyy friends. So somebody apparently made a few mistakes with this year's calendar and summer is suddenly all over which is a pretty nasty surprise. We'll be doing our Sunday rooftop party for a while yet so head on up and listen to good music with us - this week is our Mardi Gras comedown party with our friends DJ Buttfuck and Slow Blow. I made this dumb video for a giggle - the track is 'Moonwalk' by Gift of Dreams, off the latest Light Sounds Dark compilation. So good!

Will probably be giving this awesome Mudd remix a spin - released on Leng last month, this Tiago record is really beautiful. Just as the title describes, it's a slow burning rave chugger that grooves really deep. As if the Claremont gang needed more praise, they're certainly earning it with this fairly recent imprint. Always a safe investment.

Tiago - The Source (Mudd's Slow Rave Mix) [buy]

Still going through the stuff that's been backed up for the past month or two, DJ Nature's remix records attracted some predictable attention from big wigs. I didn't pick up the second volume but the first is really great, albeit a bit too twisted for me to fit into the other stuff I'm playing at the moment. The big bass loop hits the vocals at a bit of an angle which creates an intriguing dissonance that sometimes distracts me too much from the groove, other times not. At least the percussion is amazing and it's easy to retreat to that backbone of the track to find a really tight vibe. Always very interested in Nature's productions and I really do dig this record.

DJ Mil'o - Afrique (DJ Nature Euro Remix) [buy]

More excessive use of looping with an entirely different effect, Magnetic Soul's edits release for Kojak is great high energy pump club disco on the A. These days I'm often turned off by super choppy editing but this is done really nicely and helps to add a bit of edginess and anticipation on the dancefloor rather than being too jerky and irritating. The slick B-side was in the last Delishcast in case you didn't check it out already. Like Leng, Kojak is totally one of the labels you can trust for quality at the moment. Perhaps not oozing with originality but super handy behind the decks.

Magnetic Soul - Blue Flame [buy]

I've got something like 18 records due on my doorstep within the next week so there should be a good burst on here very soon.