Friday, 7 December 2012

Seasons Googings

Let's see if I can remember how to do this. HEYSUP hope everyone's been well in the 15 million years since I last 'blogged' on this 'blog'. I can assure you I have no good reason for my absence (21st century life, billz, global warming etc) but I've got a buttload of great music that's been piling up in the to-post list and it's probably time to get rid of some.

Just to cover things in the news department first: I have a slick new mixer arriving very soon, apparently, which is going to be pretty spesh. Am planning to give it a major workout with a small Disco Delicious party in Sydney (unusual venue suggestions welcome) some time around Jan/Feb, spinning many hours of pork-schnitzelling, rainbow-gurgling, boob-honking disco goodness. Will also be partying with Psychemagik on The Island on Jan 5th, then playing Sydney Fest at Town Hall with Danny Wang and Darshan Jesrani ***BONER ALERT*** which will be pretty exceptional. Then we've got DSR007 by hubbabubbaklubb coming out in the very near future, that'll be a total lady slayer. So yeah, the summer is looking good. Unless you're in the northern hemisphere, then the summer is looking distant.

MUSIC. We all listen to it, whether it's when you see an ad on tv, when you're on hold to the phone company, or even when you take a ride on a classy elevator. I really like those musics you hear when you trip down some stairs in an alley and you end up in a nightclub and it's all 'doof doof doof doof' and the people spasm in perfect time with the 'beat'. Like this marvellous Kerri Chandler remix of Makam's You Might Lose It. It starts off all thumpy and bare and you're all like "hey what's going on here mate" and then the synths begin to blossom and the spring sun pokes out and everybody in Detroit is dancing and smiling. Snappy claps and precise percussion build into a glorious groove that I could see working a Saturday night dancefloor as easy as a Sunday afternoon rooftop crowd.

Makam - You Might Lose It (Kerri Chandler Dark Mix) [juno]

I heard Harvey play this on a radio show with Dennis Kane ages ago and kind of forgot about it until he gave it a spin on his latest BIS appearance. I could die of shame three times over for letting it slip my mind for all that time. An easy contender for the most beautiful disco track of all time, Gloria Ann Taylor's hugely sought after 1973 gift to the world, Love Is A Hurting Thing. Little description is needed - from the very first moment when the slightly tacky guitar shredding emerges from the pool of reverb and the kick starts to pump, it's a hugely emotional journey through the euphoric highs and excruciating lows of love, articulated by Gloria Ann's belting vocals which are so powerful and passionate it just about snaps your shins. I can just picture this being played as the last song at Horse Meat Disco and the world's biggest club tragedy unfolding as thousands of disco-loving men drown in a tsunami of tears. It comes at a price though - you'd be lucky to pick up a copy of the 12" for less than $500. Enjoy it here in as-good-as-you'll-ever-get 320.

Gloria Ann Taylor - Love Is A Hurting Thing

Discovered this great Franc Spangler release from earlier days of the Delusions of Grandeur catalogue thanks to a killer DJ Nature mix. This track is the gift that keeps on giving - I really love every element of the track and the gradual layering which builds it up to vibe city. First the stabby little keys, then the thick plonking bassline, then the aggressively grooving hats, and finally the obligatory deep house chords which take things to a whole other harmonic plane. The snowballing energy makes this tune a super handy one to have in the bag, it can really get the juices flowing. Now will someone please tell me who Franc Spangler is? Why hasn't anybody found this out yet?

Franc Spangler - Forever and a Day [juno]

I'll leave you with this captivating Magic Mountain High track which was released on Workshop back in March. It's not really the kind of thing I'd generally listen to, but since the first time I heard it I was fascinated by the erratic jabbing synths and the all-out wackiness of the song. It somehow sounds (to me) both organic and totally alien and artificial. Something about it makes perfect sense. I heard Floating Points spin the other more minimal, muted version of this track, the B2, when he played in Sydney a couple of weeks ago (omg jizzzzz) which was a nice shock, since I expected I would never hear it out in my lifetime, and would certainly never have the cojones to play it myself. Might give it a shot though.

Magic Mountain High - Workshop xx B1 [juno]

Once I get my new mixer I'll slop together a new Delishcast. Yay!

Monday, 30 July 2012

SssssssssssssssssSSSSsssS hi

Some straight up jams on this fine record by The Noodleman. Way down in the super-slow zone, Sloppy Angel is a proper sex-drenched cut with a slammer of a bassline that I really wanna track down. There's some nice dubbed out goodness on the B, but for me it'll be this side that gets a rinsing - and has already. Quality erotic disco funk.

The Noodleman - Sloppy Angel [buy]

A beauty of a Bjørn Torske tune here which Tamas Jones kindly put me onto. This one's taken from his debut album way back in 1998, and it's still seriously fresh. Very loosely structured, Expresso just kinda flounders around with some lovely sounds, gaining and shedding layers as it pleases. It features the world's most gentle lead synth which placidly wiggles around leaving a trail of warmth behind it. A great record!

Bjørn Torske - Expresso

Way late posting this Moodymann remix of Pollyn but if you haven't caught it yet you're really missing out. While there's a Harvey remix on the flip, this is most definitely where the action is at. Mellow party vibes, shadowy but massively grooving, Moody strips it right back to focus on the vocals and bass, occasionally fading in some of his trademark crowd noise which somehow instantly makes a tune ten times more hip. Actually, although it's a very restrained, unusually subtle offering from KDJ, it's still completely him. The mildly dissonant pads, the meticulous drum programming, it's all there and it's so good.

Pollyn - Sometimes You Just Know (Moodymann Remix) [buy]

Was really surprised to see that this Singin' Fools 7" was available at Juno. It doesn't feel like a bootleg or recent repress, although I'm wrong about a lot of things. Anyway, some of you might recognise it from Psychemagik's 'High on You' mix as the glorious opening track. Incredible melodies, hugely powerful vocals, a superb arrangement. I'm so happy to own a copy of this, it's just such a gem.

The Singin' Fools - Love Is A Beautiful Thing [buy]

Winter is 2/3 over, happy days are ahead!

Friday, 13 July 2012

Did You Know I Like Discogs?

Christ I've been spending shitloads of cash on Discogs lately. Even in a good month I'll rack up a pretty worrying dollar figure on records, but the past few weeks have been pretty next level. I'm nearly 3 weeks into a month-long stint of no booze (or cigarettes, for that matter) and I'm clueless as to how I'm supposed to spend my time. So I spend it spending. Don't get too excited - it's mostly stuff that I've just wanted on 12" for ages, there haven't been too many crazy discoveries. But it's all good stuff. Like this Aqua Bassino track from 2001. Some sloppy as fuck vocals courtesy of a seemingly semi-comatose Jill Vader which are propped up by one seriously rad, contrastively tight bassline that vibes like crazy. Yummo.

Aqua Bassino - To Hard, Try and Find

A stone cold classic, this Pépé Bradock is just one of those must have records. The epic B-side, Deep Burnt, is 11 minutes of house glory. The kind of thing that House of House were surely thinking of when they came up with Rushing to Paradise. A monster. I'm glad to say, though, that the A-side is bloody great too! A real bumping deep jam some orgasmic synths and powerful girly vocals that keep reminding you about heat and hotness and how hot everything is. That's the general message I picked up on anyway. Love it.

Pépé Bradock - Burning Hot

WOAH NELLY, GO EASY ON THE CLASSICS HEY? No, I won't. This is Mister Morgan Geist at his finest. Sounding like he's closer to 85% of Metro Area than the 50% we're all led to believe, this has all the elements that make Geistypoo and old mate Darshan so excellent. Simple and somehow perfect rhythms, restrained orchestration, every individual part working together gorgeously, and of course some legit strings. This record is 11 years old and, like pretty much all of the MA material, it'll be sounding fresh for the next few thousand years. Boom.

Morgan Geist - Super

At last a new one! This Midland remix single is a bit of a {BANG0R ONLY ZONE} but that's ok with me, I'm hip and I can dig it. While the MCDE mix on the flip is pretty fine, this Lone rework really tickles me. Way deep and wonderfully percussive, it's really rather danceable. Disc Jockeys of the world take note: I can safely award this my 'dark club appropriate' seal of approval.

Midland - Placement (Lone Remix) [buy]

Have a good weekend ya chumps.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Tiki Disco

NEWSFLASH. Giving birth to a new party this Saturday night with Sydney dawgs DJ Dreamcatcher & DJ Junglesnake (those Slow Blowing dudes) and Marcus King. All disco, all vinyl, all four of us all night. Five buckaroos gets you into our tropical paradise venue - RSVP to tikidiscoretreat [at] gmail [dot] com to get the location details. This will be FUN so BLUDDY SIGN UP OK?

Now onto the tunesies. So many months of records to catch up on posting, let's start with the essentials. Anthony Naples' debut EP is pretty fucking ridiculatron. The title track, my personal fave, is a pure house jam for a smiling dancefloor. I've been LOVING playing this one out, it's always the first record I reach for. NYC vibing. Seriously recommend picking this twelve up.

Anthony Naples - Mad Disrespect [buy]

Another one that hasn't left my bag since I got it - this James Johnston record. I actually had no idea who he was, but I signed into my second Juno account which I haven't used in forever and found this sitting in the shopping cart with no memory of listening to it. Thank god I stumbled across it again. One of those incredibly rare, incredibly useful pieces of wax where every one of the 4 tracks is absolutely playable. I probs wouldn't have any gripes about playing them all in the one set if I was confident nobody would notice. Rock solid deep house goodness, if you DJ this stuff then this is pure gold.

James Johnston - Missed The Party [buy]

It took me a little while to get into this Andrés EP, I have to admit. I listened to it a bunch of times in my bedroom and wasn't quite understanding the hype around the A-side, New For U. Yeah it's quite lovely, but I wasn't in the 'woah shit' zone. Then I heard it out for the first time on Saturday and it clicked. GREAT TRACK! So after saying that I'm not sure why I'm posting Jazz Dance instead. It's the tune on the record that really sat well with me immediately, and I still dig it a lot. Again, the appreciation got taken to the next level the first time I gave it a club spin. So yeah.

Andrés - Jazz Dance [buy]

Lastly, a nice extended version of Eddie Kendricks' 'Date With The Rain'. On the flip is a nice old edit of Down To Love Town, so this is a very tasty twelve-inch. Mellow, emotive, soulful pre-disco disco. It's just a good song.

Eddie Kendricks - Date With the Rain (Special Remix Disco Version)


Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Delishcast 011

Hey chaps - welcome back to the most reliable, most punctual, most dependable blog on the internet. Sorry, spellcheck is telling me I should be capitalising the I in Internet. Your wish is my command, oh supreme network overlord.

Finally another Delishcast is for your enjoyment/contentment/mild disappointment. This initially came from a playlist I made for a friend a while back, but I've replaced most of the stuff that's already been used here on DD. Not all, but most. Basically it was intended as one big billboard promoting some of my favourite people and labels from the past 6 months and beyond: Christoph El Truento, Floating Points, Quiroga/Really Swing, Jazzy Sport and Wonderful Noise. Also this guy The Nothing who I only discovered a couple of days ago is really fab too. For the most part this mix is a whole bunch of nice beats. I know absolutely fuck all about hip hop and couldn't tell you the difference between any of the newfangled genres which are some form of electronic deviation, but I do know that I love a good groove and I'm especially partial to putting jazz into the hands of beatmakers. Anyway, hope you dig this one. There'll be more to come!

Delishcast 011 / Subscribe in iTunes / RSS Feed

1. Christoph El Truento - Cub
2. Floating Points - Myrtle Avenue
3. Black Horse - Come With Me
4. Quiroga - Emanuelle Voodoo
5. Green Butter - The Smooth Route
6. Moodymann - Desire
7. Quiroga - Crackin Martelli
8. Quiroga - Batik
9. MONKEY_sequence.19 - Summer Blu
10. Jonti - Nagoya Train Station 3AM
11. DJ Mitsu The Beats - Change
12. Twigy Al Salaam - Rain
13. The Nothing - Jazzy Sport
14. Cortex - 8-Oct-71
15. Black Cow - Smiling Kingfushi
16. Plej - Lay of the Land
17. Christoph El Truento - Sold
18. Floating Points - Faruxz

Direct link to mp3

Tell me what you think. Or don't. Nah do.

Friday, 25 May 2012

The Age of Ageing

Nah just kidding, I'm still here. OK, so where were we...

Actually, in my slack, unexplained absence, this little blog of mine turned 5 years old. Man that freaks me out. It's been really fun having people read the trash that I dump here, and it's certainly brought me a great deal of fame, money and bitches. A wholehearted thanks to everybody whose music I've exploited for my own financial gain, and equal gratitude to everybody who's laid eyes on this monstrosity on more than one occasion. You're all lovely!

So yeah, so we just released Sleep D's record which turned out beautifully! Very proud of the whole package - just take a look!

Gorgeous. The music is stunning too, and you're all aware that I was a genuine fan long before we ever got talking about a release. Have a listen to the full thing, then if you're digging it or just feeling generous, go nab a copy from Juno or some place like that. We're having the launch party up here in Sydney with the Sleep D dudes, so if you're in town please come along! Details here.

Uh, what else is news... Caught Moodymann last month which was utterly incredible. The first time I saw him spin it was just flat out boring, but this was out of control amazing. So fucking Detroit. That was the first time I heard the Opolopo remix of Gregory Porter's 1960 What? which totally melted my face. One of the most vital records I've heard in ages, go snatch a copy immediately. Also check out this rad cover of Black Mahogani by Cro-Magnon, such a vibing lounge jam. Some of the Cro-Magnon stuff really weirds me out, but this Mellow Out & Acoustic album is totally supreme. Oh, and in case you missed it, a new Moody EP came out through that whole Scion/AV thing, and it's pretty tops. Grab it here!

Gregory Porter - 1960 What? (Opolopo Kick & Bass Rerub) [buy]

Cro-Magnon - Black Mahogani [buy]

Moodymann - Got 2 Make It

Aside from that I've just been listening to lots of mixes and podcasts, not doing much record shopping at all. Hit up my man Steele Bonus' latest mix which is made up of like 20 rare disco records that I REALLY WANT. Don't have a clue what most of them are and it's got me salivating heavily. Also have a listen to one of Ruf Dug's latest mixtapes which is a real trip. Weirded out shit that only Ruffy can pull together.

Steele Bonus - Exclusive Picnic Mix, May 2012

Ruf Dug - Dark Energy episode 73

See you guys in a bit.

Thursday, 15 March 2012


Shit guys, sorry for being so rubbish, my business quota has been filled for the next 16 years, especially considering I'm a world class procrastinator. On top of that, I've practically just been listening to old Beatles and jazz records for the past couple of months and I've got fuck all new stuff to share. Although I think I will do a bit of a jazz Delishcast to catalogue things.

First up - one of the reasons I've been so busy is our endless string of Picnic parties, culminating in this weekend's gig with Horse Meat Disco. It's our fourth birthday and it's going to be bloody fantastic, so if you're in town then click this flyer and get down!

Here are a couple of boss tracks to cruise into your weekend with - a complete and utter JAM from Michael Wycoff's second album, and a track by Paladin which fills me with complete and utter joy. Both superb.

Michael Wycoff - Still Got The Magic (Sweet Delight)

Paladin - Third World

Aside from that, it's been all mixes happening on my stereo. Here's a trio, all very different, which I can't recommend highly enough. A Moodymann rollerdisco set from RBMA in London which is crammed full of CLASSICS - Kenny Dixon Jr. playing a Jamiroquai record? Blew my mind. Then two consecutive RA podcasts which are universes apart: Harvey's whacked out journey that stinks of mescaline and self-indulgence, the kind of mix I thought he'd never record again; and Floating Points' gorgeous mix which covers all flavours of disco and electronic music in a seriously classy way. All three are brilliant, in my opinion. If you don't already subscribe to the RA Podcast, well, that's upsetting. It always has and always will be killer, and I'm not just saying that because I work for them. I hope my boss sees this.

Moodymann - RBMA Rollerskating Jam, 2010

DJ Harvey - RA Podcast 300

Floating Points - RA Podcast 301

Sorry for being a bum. If you're ever feeling lonely, go listen to one of the Test Pressing podcasts and you can bet that I'll be listening too. It'll be magic.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

COMPETE: Playground Weekender Deathmatch

Hey legends. I think it's time we had a little talk.

Nah jokes, you're not in trouble, I love you guys. Now normally I don't succumb to the will of PR people but in this instance I'm totally happy to give the Playground Weekender gang a mad plug because the lineup is bonkers and I can't wait to go. HEAR MY BELLOWING BARITONE BLOG VOICE: GO FORTH MY BRETHREN, TASTE THE WEEKEND'S SWEETNESS, SWIM IN THE MUSICAL OASIS OF DISCO BEAT GOODNESS. See?

BUT, my dear friends, this plug is not the end of it -- oh no, quite the contrary. I have a double pass to give away to one of you wonderful disco-loving creatures*. This overwhelmingly great prize includes musical performances by artists like Chic & Nile Rodgers, Hudson Mohawk, Greg Wilson, Damian Lazarus & a bunch of Crosstown Rebels bros, Lee Burridge, Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti and a ballsackful more for you and a friend/partner/sibling/mum to enjoy. You could even bring your uncle to see UNKLE, how much of a mind-fuck would that be!

The method of entering this prestigious draw is very simple: send me an email and let me know in 6,000 words or less** either:

a) What you consider to be the most important advancement in biomolecular science in the past 24 months; or
b) What is your favourite ever cat video and why

If you don't win, seriously just get a ticket to the festival anyway - like I said, I hate plugging shit on here, but it truly will be sensational.

*Obviously if you don't live in Sydney this is probably not particularly relevant, unless you're keen to do some travelling. Which you should be. I'll buy you a beer if you do.
**Word limit will be strictly upheld, all entries in excess of 6,000 words will be disqualified. Sorry.


Also I got some musix for ya, starting with this marvellous Bob Chance reissue by the dawgs at Emotional Rescue. Two versions of one great tune remastered and plopped onto a 7" with a snazzy printed sleeve. The A-side, an earlier and lesser-heard cut of It's Broken, is a raw jamming psych groove with steel-woolly vocals and four-to-the-floor drums + bass. I love this and I'm glad it's been uncovered and released in such a respectful way (it's all legit, don't worry yo).

Bob Chance - Wild, It's Broken [buy]

This Katzuma record slipped through my fingers so many times before it was finally in stock when I was placing an order. Put your casual collared shirts on gents, we're going to a nice bar to be charming - this record is crammed with cocktail class. It's a bit Dimitri From Paris really, completely non-threatening funky dance music that lifts the mood wherever it's played. QUALITY! Essential warm-up material. Crucial rooftop fodder. Critical Sunday vibes. Don't even think about going to a swish bar without it. Yeahhhhh.

Katzuma - Music Is Made For Love [buy]

Although in any other context I totally wouldn't expect it from him, after hearing the two great A-side tracks of this Hardway Brothers record, the thumping bass drum and ominous chimes at the beginning of this Toby Tobias remix had me anticipating another dark, abrasive number. What emerges is an utterly euphoric rainbow of dreamlike synth flavours and sparkly effects which send you straight into interstellar pleasure mode. What a joy! I can imagine this being a late night life-changer on the dance floor. Don't get me wrong, the rest of the release is excellent as well, but this one is, for me, really something special. Hope you guys dig it too.

Hardway Brothers - Mania Theme (Toby Tobias Remix) [buy]

Now go get back to work. xx

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Don't panic everybody. I'm back. I've got an inconsistently speedy internet connection, a pocket full of dreams and disco musix for the masses. Let's get some HD cat videos up in this mo'fucker! I've kind of forgotten how to blog so I'll stall for a bit. What's been happening with you cats? Working hard and drinking harder? Gosh, I sure can empathise with that one. No but seriously, let's get down to business.

I'll start off with a couple of things that I wanted to put into that last Delishcast and, in the end, just couldn't quite adapt into the whole thing. I was especially keen to put in a track from Pacific Ocean Blue by Dennis Wilson (you know, that guy who played drums in The Beach Boys) which is just a top notch album. I particularly love the rugged groove of Dreamer, a nice gruff love song with some sort of air-operated low range instrument that I can't for the life of me identify. Also was pretty keen to get a Neoton Familia tune in there but couldn't quite get one to gel. The organ in Oh, Napsugar is rad.

Dennis Wilson - Dreamer

Neoton Familia - Oh, Napsugar

Now back to that usual disco shit that I love to peddle. Did you all hear there's a new Moodymann album due in May? I've already gouged my eyeballs out in excitement (not recommended) and naturally I've been on a non-stop KDJ cruise in my bedroom for the past couple of days. Well this isn't Moody, but it's close - The Rotating Assembly, a band headed by Theo Parrish that features Marcellus Pittman and Rick Wilhite amongst others, is totally jammerific. They only did one album back in '04 which is a bummer, but it's an eternal beaut. Properly hot live funk with the odd twist of Detroit techno. Right on, sister.

The Rotating Assembly - Illumination

I was way happy to see that the first Try To Find Me record got reissued and I had a chance to pick up a copy. Until now I've only had the digital which means it was lost in the iTunes abyss many moons ago. Justin Vandervolgen has an unnaturally marvellous talent for doing great edits, and Golf Channel have an equally commendable knack for putting out great records, so it's an obvious winner just like it was when it got released back in 2008. Throw in a J.C. Barreto song and one of the all time greatest track names and hey presto, you've got a shit hot 12". Bravo.

Try To Find Me - Sir Mr Doctor To You [buy]

I've got a box of 13 records arriving on my doorstep later this week so stick around chumps. If you're out and about this weekend, we're putting on a show with Space Dimension Controller down at The Civic: all the info is here.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Disco Delicious' Top 11 Delicacies of 2011

Sorry about the delay on this stupid list guys, internet deprivation is the worst. Who gives a shit anyway though, 'Best Of' lists are lame and overdone. So here's mine!

2011 flat out fucking ruled. So much great music, so many great parties. We toured so many awesome DJs and ate so many delicious pizzas at our Sunday Sessions. Met so many lovely people and spent a horrendous amount of money on records. Whilst people were having their heads caved in by brostep and moombahton and whatever other whack rubbish is infecting clubs these days, I was off on my own little musical island without any clue of what was happening anywhere else. Ignorance is the best. Anyway, here's the stuff that made it to said island and really tickled me. I missed heaps of records over the course of the year so don't think I've been neglectful - these are just the things that I managed to pick up which really made an impact. Here goes!


#11 Mike Simonetti & Johnny Jewel's Hollywood Seven

I'd be hard pressed to think of a record that was responsible for as many amazing club moments in 2011 as Hollywood Seven. Whenever anybody whipped out the Disco Dilemma version at the sweaty peak of a night - including Mike Simonetti himself down at GoodGod - it was an eruption of unparalleled euphoria. Although the work done to the tracks was relatively minimal, the new drums and restrained editing of each version of the bargain bin favourite, along with the cleverly simple act of releasing four on the one twelve-inch, made this one of the best bits of wax of the year.

Mike Simonetti & Johnny Jewel - Hollywood Seven (Disconet Dilemma) [buy]


#10 Leonid Nevermind - Light Is Here EP

Without the A1 I don't think I'd be nearly as fond of this record as I am, but as soon as the needle touched down and the sex-drenched bassline of The Unexplored Land of Love plonked itself on the table in the 9th bar I was hooked. The other three tracks on this Leonid Nevermind EP, despite being cavernously deep, feel a bit cold without having been set up by the almost In Flagranti-esque eroticism of the opening number and, to me, that's what makes the whole thing works. Not to say that the musical pheromones it gushes make it cheap or tacky in any way: it actually oozes with class, and the rest of the release might even impress the odd Berliner.

Leonid Nevermind - The Unexplored Land of Love [buy]


#9 Floating Points - Shadows EP

Dynamics are something that's so often completely ignored in EDM and it's wonderfully refreshing to hear them used to such great effect on this superb Floating Points 2x12" release. The more you open your ears the more you're rewarded - this lengthy EP is probably my favourite bedroom record of the year, it's so perfect to kick back on the bed and just soak it up. For me the real standout track is the A1, Myrtle Avenue, although I reckon when you take it down to 33rpm it becomes even more special. I like having more time to absorb the texture of the rich sluggish bass, the gorgeous twisting aqueous chords, the meditative departures from the beat: it's a beautiful, sedate feeling. But whatever, it's great no matter what speed you play it at!

Floating Points - Myrtle Avenue (33rpm) [buy]


#8 Evan Evans - Final (Art of Tones Disco Dub)

This is one of the times I'm going to toe the line of what was 2010 and what was 2011, but there's a pretty good chance I played this Art of Tones remix in at least 80% of my sets this year and it's not going to be leaving my record bag any time soon. Yeah it was released in December the previous year but it only landed in my hands on Australian soil at the beginning of January and THAT'S WHAT COUNTS, PEOPLE. Play it early, play it late, play it twice, whatever - it just grooves so cock-snappingly hard. Of every superb record that's been released on Instruments of Rapture, especially in the past twelve months, this is still my favourite track on any of them.

Evan Evans - Final (Art of Tones Disco Dub) [buy]


#7 Claremont 56

I suppose Claremont didn't have a manically productive year in terms of quantity of releases, but the quality has been exceptional. In particular the Almunia album was just tops, as were the two 'Originals' CDs compiled by Felix Dickinson and Phil Mison. The Almunia single that preceded the album blew my mind when it came out. The spacious breezy groove of New Moon and the plodding jam of Travel had me playing it every week for months, and on top of that the rest of the tracks on the LP deliver a wide range of chilled psychedelic goodness - not dissimilar to any of the Smith & Mudd albums, but certainly a lot more guitar oriented. The Originals comps packed together some bloody amazing rarities that I'm sure I never would have stumbled across otherwise, including this killer disco-rock bomb by some German one-record-only band called Q. Lovely.

Almunia - Travel (Instrumental) [buy]

Q - Rain [buy]


#6 Really Swing

Well, tiny Italian label Really Swing only released one record this year but it's the first one that I discovered and it sparked a huge enthusiasm for the imprint. The concept is really Dilla: very short tracks, just 1 or 2 minute beat ideas, cut in one after the other on a 10" record. It's kinda hip hoppy, it's kinda future beaty, it's very sample heavy, sometimes it's wonky and sometimes it's tightly rigid, and it's always delightfully creative. I really love the abrupt transitions from one idea to the next, and that's why I'm so hesitant to post only one track when it's removed from the context of the record. If this stuff tickles you at all then I seriously recommend jumping on these releases because the end result is far more than the sum of its parts. Oh, also, this podcast by label boss Quiroga is definitely one of my favourite mixes of 2011. Brilliant!

Bop Singlayer - Flirt [buy]


#5 DJ Harvey / Locussolus

Harv was out here exactly one year ago and I can't work out if it feels like it's been a longer or shorter time than that. It doesn't feel like it was 12 months ago though. Anyway, it's pretty obvious that Harvey has had a corker of a year, both with Locussolus and with his remix work. I surprised myself a little with this, but my favourite thing Harv did in 2011 was Canyons remix. Since my very first listen I was totally hooked and I know it's a record I'm going to be smashing for a long time to come. It feels almost like a micro mixtape: a slamming acid house vibe that suddenly jolts into a porky disco-funk groove before returning to the original classic house energy. It's so different and I adore it. And whilst the Locussolus record really brought the heat, the Lindstrom & Prins Thomas remix of I Want It utterly demolished dance floors all throughout the year. One of the most fun dance remixes I've heard in living memory.

Canyons - See Blind Through (DJ Harvey Remix) [buy]

Locussolus - I Want It (Lindstrom & Prins Thomas Remix) [buy]


#4 Black Cow

Black Cow is still the best disco edits label on earth in my humble opinion. The 7"s are scarce, the releases are infrequent, the tracks are (obviously) short and I'm always left wanting more but fucking hell this label is quality. And it makes perfect sense - the Jazzy Sport guys are seriously deep diggers, and when they move from hip hop to disco it's pretty incredible what they unearth. I'm still yet to spot even one of the tracks on any of their records, although I gave up trying long ago. This is a perfect example: Rotation No. 5 is on some uncharted tier of bullshit awesomeness. It goes like this: an absolutely ballistic bassline cradled by a tight-as-all-fuck rhythm section; fantastic horns blasting out in the chorus; a dazzling dreamy verse which is politely interrupted by THE MOTHER of all slap bass solos; swing over to the pianist who appropriately cuts loose; and by this stage I'm usually passed out in a puddle of my own saliva, so I'm not quite sure what happens after that. BOSS!

Black Cow - Rotation No. 5 [buy]


#3 Tornado Wallace & The Melbourne Deepcast Guys

This is an easy one. It's no secret Melbourne has been completely slaying it on the deep house front, particularly for the past couple of years, and the genesis of Melbourne Deepcast as a label sealed the deal. What an incredible collective of dudes. Andy Hart, Tornado Wallace, Fantastic Man, Francis Inferno Orchestra, Weekend Express - all spectacular. With two Deepcast 12"s released and a perfect record of 7/7 magnificent tracks, it's a testament to the consistency and quality they're able to generate. On top of that you've got: Fantastic Man's beautiful release on Kolour Ltd, which includes the sublime B2 'Say What You Said'; Weekend Express's ripping contribution to the always dependable Stilove4music edits series; several nice records on different labels from youngster Francis Inferno Orchestra; and a metric shit-tonne of goodness from Lewie Day on Instruments of Rapture, Delusions of Grandeur, etc etc. Hats off to you Melbourne, I'm proud to be neighbours with the second best state in Australia :)

Fantastic Man - Say What You Said [buy]

Francis Inferno Orchestra - Come On Now [buy]


#2 Chet Faker - Love and Feeling (Sleep D Remix)

More Melbourne goodness! Did I catch you off guard there? I've cherished Sleep D since my first listen and I'm ultra proud that we're doing a record with them in the next few months. They're two 18 year olds who have a disgusting amount of talent - I can't stand overachieving youngsters, they make me feel so chronically lazy. But let's not dwell on my oafishness, this is unreal music. Of all the excellent tracks the boys have produced, this one is without a doubt my favourite. Although it's a remix by name, there's only a sliver of the original vocal that's been plucked out, with everything else being constructed from the ground up. The toms are just genius. The bass groove is total annihilation. The pitched down vocals and druggy effects send you into a ketamine spiral of satisfaction. I just love everything about this track, from its momentary weirdness to its downright deep-as-fuck groove. Watch out for this one coming on wax very soon!

Chet Faker - Love and Feeling (Sleep D Remix)


#1 Psychemagik

Numero uno. This was decided for me many months ago when Celestial Love was ceremonially uncorked and its magical psychedelic juices were sprayed all over my unsuspecting face. Yes, it's pretty erotic. Seriously, Psychemagik have given me an absurd amount of aural pleasure in the past twelve months, streets ahead of anything else. Their mixes - particularly the three for Test Pressing - are EXACTLY what I want to hear. High On You, although it was recorded the previous year, was surely my most played mix of 2011, and Celestial Love was a very close second. Sunrise, which came out a month or two ago, completed the trilogy of perfect mixtapes. As a DJ it's been such an absolute pleasure hearing the way these dudes program their sets. It's remarkable just how paramount context is, and how tracks that I would probably never think twice about can suddenly take on an entirely new identity when expertly selected and arranged. There's a compositional element there that's really very beautiful. I don't even have space to rant about Psychemagik's killer edit releases which have also copped a right beating on my turntables. I think at some point everybody gets lucky and feels like there's an artist out there who seems to be tailoring music specifically for YOU. Well this is for ME! :)

Psychemagik - Celestial Love


Honourable Mentions:

No Way Back by Domeyko/Gonzalez - if that's the best thing we ever release on Death Strobe, I'll still be so stoked. I can't describe how blown away I was hearing it for the very first time. I'm not sure I've ever felt so proud. I love my boys!

Jonti - Got to give some massive props to Jonti, he really did amazingly well for himself in 2011. Getting picked up by Stones Throw, releasing his album and suddenly hanging out with people like Madlib, it's pretty incredible. And what a fantastic album!

Cheenese by Pompeya - I don't really know where this little record came from but man I loved it! It's just really top quality indie pop sorta stuff by a Russian band I've not heard of before, with three excellent remixes to boot. The Lipelis remix ended up being my pick.

Abel's Aegean Sea edits - I'll admit this completely deserves to be in the top 11, it was probably the best edits release of the year. I'm just bitter because I missed out on getting a copy. So bitter.


And that just about does it. Please feel free to post up your favourites from 2011, I'd love to hear about all the stuff I missed.

2012 is already getting me all moist: we're doing a Sydney Festival show with Andrew Weatherall and Neville Watson this Saturday night which I'm totally psyched for! If you're in town you MUST come :)