Thursday, 19 August 2010


Wooohoooooooooo our GoodGod party is tomorrow!! If you're in Sydney you MUST MUST MUST come down and dance. Some special Siberian friends will be joining us to spin some tunes ;) as well as our darlings Slow Blow. $5 before 11pm and $5 all night if you have a Juggers ticket. Best night ever? There's a good chance.

Trus'me - Good God [buy]


Maybe we'll start the night with some super smooth funk like this track from the latest Small World Disco Edits record, courtesy of the groovy edit guru LTJ. Should be a divine way of getting things moving.

One Man Edit - Waiting [buy]

Maybe we'll play some pure classic disco like this dazzling Tom Moulton mix of First Choice's Doctor Love. That's if things get cheesy which they very well might.

First Choice - Doctor Love (Original Tom Moulton 12" Mix) [buy]

Maybe we'll play this stunning Justus Kohncke remix of Space's Deliverance which further explores JK's disco/techno hybrid vibe which blends beautiful piano and vox with deep dark synths. By maybe I mean it's very likely.

Space - Deliverance (Justus Kohncke's 'Wild Pitch' Mix) [buy]

Maybe everybody will completely lose their shit at around 3:30am and someone will unleash some psych-tech-acid-prog-wonk-journey stuff like this chaotic DiskJokke & Strangefruit record which will probably kill 1 in 6 listeners. Fucking crazy stuff.

DiskJokke & Strangefruit present The Shookt - Ghost In The Machine [buy]

The first 50 peeps through the door get a CD we've put together which has an exclusive choon off our next release by Midnight Savari which is supremo bonero. If you're not in Sydney you've got about 30 hours to get here! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY