Friday, 24 October 2008

Andy's Totally-Rad-French-House-Weekend-Selection Vol. 1

Did a bit of hunting today and found some very snazzy new french/disco/house house. All spectacular bassline stuff, all perfect for windows-rolled-down-smoking-a-cigarette-and-eating-a-burger-at-the-same-time driving. Hyphenating stuff is lots of funskis!

OHKAY, so it's been established before that Matt Hughes (of the magnif' Us Two Music and Outcross labels) is a bit of an underground king of this kind of stuff. He's unleashed a new release called the Honeymoon EP, and I can't recommend enough that you snap this bad boy up. So fantastically cruisy, so smooth, so intensely sexual. Scope out the first track and a killer remix of his which explores the outer atmosphere a little more. Swishhhhhhh

Matt Hughes - Wedding Bells

Heavinz - Ride (Matt Hughes Remix)

Next are a couple of tracks from a label I just discovered - Beggin' Disco - but perhaps too late? Or too something.. From what I can tell, it put out a couple of releases and that was that. Their MySpace has 60-odd friends and shows no signs of activity. Shame really, because this stuff is quite nice. The Foursome track I swear I've heard somewhere before but can't remember where. Anyway, it's big driving funky party shit. The Hugo Borealis & Ruba tune is more laid back but just as solid and groovy. If anybody knows what the deal is with this mysterious label, please holler.

Foursome - Foursome (Dirty Mix)

Hugo Borealis & Ruba - Inside (Push Inside Mix)

Livyo is a cheeky French fella who's easily as quality as the rest of the French House market. Really fucking solid stuff, great production and serious party vibe. I'm starting to repeat myself but there's not much else I can do really... This stuff is all just great. Great combo of spaceyness in the synths and super strong nailing to the floor with some nice tight beats.

Livyo - Voltage

DJ DLG & Laidback Luke - Ambition (Livyo Remix)

Franchising (or E-The-Hot presents Franchising as appears to be more correct) are/is some people/a person from Italy who I won't bother speculating any more about. All I know is they're connected with White Weed Records which is enough to give them/him/her/it some pretty fair cred. Their 'The Party' EP is a very nice collection of, as the title suggests, cool party music. Probably the heaviest of this selection, but not by more than a couple of fingers worth. My fave is probos The Chicks which is back in the corner a bit more and would be perfect for seducing girlies in suave dimly lit rooms with martinis and saturday suits. The Cagedbaby mix is a stride towards the more bent clubby side of things. Grab this EP too!

E-The-Hot presents Franchising - The Chicks

E-The-Hot presents Franchising - The People (Cagedbaby Power Remix)



Anonymous said...

Foursome - Foursome (Dirty Mix) is Nicholaus Vallee - New New York

andy webb said...

you are quite right, thank you!

Anonymous said...

rose redefines the term "totally-rad"

Anonymous said...

Mad tracks as always, but they seem to cut off half way through when i've downloaded them...

Greg said...

same here about the tracks cutting half way.

I'm glad to see more and more posts :)

andy webb said...

dunno what's up with that, i'll upload them again. they're all fine on my pc and all from beatport so not crappy files.

let me know if anyone is still having this problem.

Anonymous said...

All good now... good to see more and more posts... can you be in love with a blog?

Anonymous said...

Great post, funny to see all of these guys are on the Us Two Music artistroster, those guys have an ear for talent, I'll tell you!

Anonymous said...

Great post, huge fan!

Anonymous said...

how good is quark?? livyos new track. damn!

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