Awwww this Yasuko Agawa tune is such a dream, I love everything about it. The magnificent vibraphone pattering away, the Steely Dan-esque backing vocals, Yasuko's swooning singing, the hyper-tight rhythm section... This song is a total winner. That'll do.
Yasuko Agawa - L.A. Nights
Been giving the Almunia album a thorough workout and it's just as fine as I hoped and expected it would be. It slots into the Claremont 56 catalogue perfectly - you've got the slow-mo disco element, the gentle psychedelic vibe, plenty of warm melodious lead guitars with beautiful analogue synths providing the bedding. This track is one of my favourites - it's a bit bolder with percussion and drums sitting at the forefront driving things along, but it's still got the well crafted mesh of harmonies that makes the music so comfortable to listen to. Everything on the album is superbly arranged - carefully and patiently thought out. Quality.
Almunia - Moving Up Slowly [buy]
More cruisiness here in the form of a real fine AN-2 & Samos remix of a russian band called Pompeya. Well not a great deal has been done to the original song really, aside from cutting the lead vocals and padding things out with some tasty synths it's fairly similar. Still, this is the one for me. Perfect for an afternoon recline session. With just the backing 'oooh' vocals remaining I feel rather soothed and content with this spinning, wakka wakka guitars going about their business, bass plodding along. The other remixes are rather nice as well, this is definitely a solid record.
Pompeya - Cheenese (AN-2 & Samos Instrumental Mix) [buy]
Although this Futurism sampler record is pretty cheesy, the PBR Streetgang James Brown rework is fairly awesome. It really makes me think of something Theo Parrish would play - with all the hard filtering going on I can picture him doing his usual act of going bezerk on the EQ, and it's great! Properly thumping stuff, it's a whole heap of fun to play. Yeah that's pretty much it.
PBR Streetgang - J2ThaB [buy]
Thanks for the heads up on the Almunia album - it's superb. Gonna be thrashing it! Although Travel should have stayed an instrumental...
completely agree with that, not a fan of the vocals in that track at all
Thank you for the stuff.Everything on the album is superbly arranged - carefully and patiently thought out quality. The track is one of my ever favorite.It is perfect for an afternoon session. Anyway thank you for your sharing info.
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