Tuesday 22 May 2007


Nothing has blown me away in the last week, and i'm still desperately waiting for the SebastiAn remix of 'Road To Recovery' to surface, so perhaps it's time for some obligitary tunes - for a start, the new Chemical Brothers material from the upcoming album We Are The Night is great. 'Do It Again' and the rather cheeky 'Salmon Dance' are my two faves for the moment, both featuring guest appearances. 'All Rights Reserved', the track featuring Klaxons, was not as impressive as I had hoped, or maybe that's just because it isn't the song I expected when putting the two artists together in my head. Anyways.. it's all good stuff.

The Chemical Brothers - Do It Again (feat. Ali Love) [alt link]
The Chemical Brothers - The Salmon Dance (feat. Fatlip) [alt link]

In anticipation of the Juggernauts release, here's one of SebastiAn's latest works, this time done for Fields.

Fields - If You Fail We All Fail (SebastiAn Remix) [alt link]

Look out for a non-ripped version of the MSTRKRFT remix of D.A.N.C.E. floating about too, which Virgin France appear to be trying hard to keep under wraps. It's on their MySpace anyway.. Tomorrow I'll post something from The Bravery's new album, assuming there's something worth sharing.