Thursday, 3 May 2007

Those Sneaky Frenchies

A new SebastiAn remix!! It's that time of the month kids, when the Sebdawg unleashes another bad boy cut of some feisty indie rock tune. This one is a remix of Shesus's track 'Debbie's Shoes' (who I can't even find a MySpace or website for) which is a bit harder and faster, but easing off on the dissonance, and honestly isn't as overwhelmingly good as some of his other work. Still, it's certainly a keeper. I've also added the Faex Rework of Head/Off for the sake of adding something else sort of fresh, which I think is certainly an improvement on the original track. If you haven't already, check out Faex's Phantom Rework too, which combines old with new in a stunning package.

Shesus - Debbie's Shoes (SebastiAn Remix) [alt link]

SebastiAn - Head/Off (Faex Rework) [alt link]